Butterflies and Moths in Taiwan

Posting this here because I didn’t know about it :butterfly:

As one of only two species of butterfly in the world known to make an annual north-south/south-north migration – the other being the Mexican monarch butterfly – the Taiwanese purple crow butterfly flies to warmer areas of southern Taiwan in late autumn and early winter, returning north the following spring.

There is an old thread about it from twelve years ago:


Can someone help me identify this guy? What’s his name?

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Edward Scissortail?

I don’t think he has a last name.

To me, he looked more like a Steve :smiley:

It is she, and Sophia.

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That’s his twin brother.


I think it’s one of those moths in the Sphingidae family.

Perhaps of those that grow up looking like a humming bird.

Good call. here’s a representative plate of east asian Sphingidae larvae

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Never get tired of seeing these:


nice shots. those really are super cool! I have an insatiable appetite for all things natural mimicry. really just a pleasure to sit and stare at!

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