Buying a House with TW Wife

He’s smart to work it out ahead of time. It’s responsible.


I don’t!

But this is not about me. Think of the children. Failing to plan is planning to fail. And jumping eyes shut into marriage is a recipe for disaster. There is way too much at stake here, not just the house. Their love depends on open communication, not “because I said so”. For starters.

Look, love is simple. Either they love you or they don’t. But you look at such disparate mismatches, painful manipulation, nice couples that started so fine and then it all went to hell. After the storm, they start talking and realize the symptoms were there: it was really doomed from the start.

In this case, a simple due diligence can spare a lot of pain.

And yes, marriage at the end of the day is a contract. In theory, it should work as a pair of oxen pulling in the same direction. We know from real life that is not always the case.


Curious, why would an apartment only be under the wife’s name?

My wife would want it under both of our names. Even if I paid for the whole place, I’d still put her name on the deed.

It seems like if your wife only wants her name on it then the marriage is pretty much doomed.

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Traditionally, Taiwanese women demanded to have house under their name before marriage since they had no protection under the law like in some other countries where they are supposed to split assets 50/50. If the husband died or left them, they had nothing.

That was in the past. Currently there are some laws and protections but also loopholes. And that’s between Taiwanese.

Moreover, there is still the idea you need a house and car before you get married if you want to attract the girl.

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Just get YOUR house first. She’s got her backup plan already!


Why backup plan? As any modern woman, she is self sufficient. Own house, own salary/investments, own interests and hobbies.

Modern people do not hook up to a gravy train: they already are the Big Deal. They do not need a partner. They are not lacking anything or missing a piece. But they would love someone to enjoy life with, without dependence/games/. Just the facts, ma’am.

Marco is a strong, independent go get it kind of guy. He’s into business and is very creative. They have many things in common, might hit it off, might not. Maybe they will make great business partners. Maybe just friends. Maybe not at all. At least, it would be an interesting encounter.


If she and Marco don’t work out, she has the house.

Dude, it was a jooooooooooke.

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Where is that fly over the head Star Trek thinghie?


Should be cheaper, keeping the Countries assets here.

Sorry I called Taiwan a country again :grimacing:.

Agree. Ask wife to put your name on the house as 50% owner.

As others have mentioned…pay attention to tax implications. If an American taxes need to be paid on profits made upon selling the house.


All I can say is good luck. Enjoyed the platitudes?

16 posts were split to a new topic: Is marriage a sacrifice?

If your wife inherited her house from her family, would you as her husband want your name on the deed as well?
What does having your name on the deed guarantee? If she dies you inherit it?