California ... a failed state

And how are those prosecutions coming along?

I suspect there has been few, due to covid, but that’s a far cry from prop 47 decriminalizing theft up to $950.

You’re going to blame it on covid? OK then… :laughing:

You know damn well very few of those retail welfare recipients are going to do a minute of time behind bars.

It was kind of a thing across the country.

Some courts in California expressly delayed prosecutions due to covid, resulting in 6th amendment challenges.

I’m pretty sure that was the case with most shoplifting cases before prop 47 too.

Of course. This is California. Shoplifting was basically decriminalized to begin with, and now the decriminalization is complete.

God, I miss Klein. :laughing: :laughing:
(1743) Ralph Klein roasts Belinda Stronach - YouTube

How did we get here? The principal factor is California’s Proposition 47, which downgraded shoplifting and grand larceny from a felony to a misdemeanor when the value of the stolen property is under $950. Thieves might get little more than a legal slap on the wrist, but even that consequence has gone by the wayside. Los Angeles district attorney George Gascón declines to prosecute so-called low-level crimes. San Francisco district attorney Chesa Boudin is open about decriminalizing theft.

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What could the possible motivation for this be other than a desire for complete societal collapse?

If you can’t beat them undercut them to death.


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Fairness. They’re tired of not having as much as those who cheat the system by getting a good education and producing wealth and jobs.

It’s fear codified into law.

Gavin has been governor since Jan 2019. Prop 47 was voted in back in 2014.

like these ones, yeah?

Right. The brazen theft has occurred on his watch.

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So… Blame it on the guy currently in charge, when the ‘principal factor’ was enacted before his term, and something he can’t do anything about? Seriously? Or is this just general sport bitching about California?

Shall we blame all our problems on King George being a dick?

He was the Governor when ALL the stories I’ve heard about people walking in and out of stores with armloads of stuff…without resistance. It wasn’t a secret. People complained.

People walking out of stores without resistance have to do with store policies about not physically stopping shoplifters, not exact categorization of the crime - it’s not like cops are stationed at the stores, and if they were, it’s not like they wouldn’t stop a shoplifter. You really think shoplifting laws in New York are that different?

NY may have a stupid bail reform law, but they do not ignore and dismiss crimes like CA. In CA, this guy says adhering to law is the problem.

The public’s interaction with the criminal justice system is mainly through misdemeanor
prosecutions, yet the power and influence of the misdemeanor system in Los Angeles County has
gone largely unnoticed. The goal of this new policy is to reimagine public safety and best serve
the interests of justice and community well-being. As such, the prosecution of low-level offenses
will now be governed by this data-driven Misdemeanor Reform policy directive.
Los Angeles County courts should not be revolving doors for those in need of treatment and
services. Currently, over 47% of those incarcerated pre-trial on misdemeanor cases suffer from
mental illness. Likewise, nearly 60% of those released each day have a significant substance use
disorder. Meanwhile, individuals experiencing homelessness account for almost 20% of arrests in
Los Angeles despite comprising only 1.7% of the population. The status quo has exacerbated social
ills and encouraged recidivism at great public expense.
Moreover, the consequences of a misdemeanor conviction are life-long and grave, even for those
who avoid incarceration. Misdemeanor convictions create difficulties with employment, housing,
education, government benefits, and immigration for non-citizens and citizens alike. Deportation,
denial of citizenship, and inadmissibility affect not only individuals, but also children, families,
and immigrant communities. And no matter one’s immigration status, the resultant costs and fees
of misdemeanor convictions force many to choose between necessities such as rent, transportation,
and medical care versus financial obligations to the justice system.
Despite the immense social costs, studies show that prosecution of the offenses driving the bulk
of misdemeanor cases have minimal, or even negative, long-term impacts on public safety.
Agencies equipped with the social-service tools necessary to address the underlying causes of
offenses such as unlicensed driving, sex work, drug possession, drinking in public, and trespassing
are best positioned to prevent recidivism and will thus be empowered to provide help to those in
The goal of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office is to protect public safety. To do
so as effectively as possible, we will direct those in need of services to treatment providers, divert
those undeserving of criminal records to appropriate fora, and reorient our focus towards
combating violent and serious criminal offenses.

You posted something blaming the problem on prop 47. Prop 47’s relation to shoplifting is reducing charges to misdemeanors for thefts under $950. I looked up NY - it’s a misdemeanor for under $1000.

And now, you’ve move on from “The principal factor is California’s Proposition 47, which downgraded shoplifting and grand larceny from a felony to a misdemeanor when the value of the stolen property is under $950” to not prop 47, but adhering to the law, and not criminals “walking in and out of stores with armloads of stuff…without resistance” (which is a store policy, not law enforcement issue) but to county level handling of cases - while posting a link that the bulk of misdemeanor prosecutions have a negative impact on public safety. And it’s Gavin’s fault. Ha.

So the dragging goal posts suggests generic crapping on California, because Kalifornia, amirght? Or is there a point I’m missing in your posts? :stuck_out_tongue:

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