去漬油 'Camping' Fuel - what is it?

去漬油: been recommended to use this as camping fuel, would normally use white gas.
Available from all gas stations, apparantly - but anyone know what this stuff actually is? :s

i always thought it was some kind of degreaser…

Just saw “naphtha” for this in the zippo thread recently.

hey thanks - the zippo thread, there it is.
[url]Zippo Lighter

wiki says there are different types of naphthas, but then it goes on to talk about white gas being one of them, so qu4 zi4 you2 can’t be too far away from the good old Coleman Camp Fuel. Will go get a pint of the stuff, if it doesn’t burn well i can always drink it.

It means getting money, especially from people close to you or someone who owes you a favor. To put it in a simple way, ripping people off.