Pardon me, but these questions have been asked many, many times. By his wife & others. Of course his wife has asked questions such as these![/quote]
That’s good to hear - nobody had posted about it in the forums.
So, what’s the answer? Even if his wife takes Mark home, he’s going to require a level of medical care pretty much around the clock that she won’t be able to maintain, right? So what happens when the money runs out?[/quote]
When the money runs out, it runs out. What else is there to say?
After that, home care, with hired caretaker.
Mark’s mom is due in country soon. Given that Mark & Xiao-Wei’s house recently suffered a robbery (with significant loss), Mark’s wife Xiao-Wei has wisely decided to vacate the premises in the very near future, for more economically feasible lodgings. It goes without saying that some long term decisions will no doubt be made quite soon.
[quote]I wasn’t around when the accident happened, so I missed most dicussion here. I read the thread and visited Mark’s blog and try to figure out what the situation is now to see any possible relieve resource.
- Short-Term Financial Help
I don’t know whether social workers have been involved in this case so far. If not, I think Mark’s wife can ask help from social workers. They can help her to seek available financial relieve resource from various organizations or foundations. Mark’s wife is Taiwanese, I think she is qualified to apply for financial help from government and various foundations. To be honest, the application precedure usually needs a lot of paper work. I was afflicted when I went through some applications, but it worthy in term of short-term financial help.
Here are some relevant links:
Bureau of Social Welfare in Taoyuan … nt_sn=4093
Tzu Chi Foundation
Fu Bon Foundation
Long-Term Financial Help
Mark’s family are fighting in a chronic war, so Mark’s wife can’t rely on financial help from outsiders fo their family. She needs help to build up her economic independence eventually. Is she the only caretaker of her family? Does she have any relative who can share to take care of her family?
Short-Term Medical Support
Long-Term Medical Support
Even though I have been there; done that, I still need more information to come up with some ideas about long-term financial help and medical support.[/quote]
While your suggestions and input are most honorable, it should be recalled that Mark’s wife is an astute, capable enabler who has of course already “been there, done that”. It’s a little slight-handed to even imagine that she has not already explored all avenues, and asked all the neccessary basic level questions quite a few months ago.
There seems to be a bit of an underlying assumption in some of these forums that Mark’s wife hasn’t the intellectual capacity to explore any & all approaches on her own initiative. Let me put this fallacy to rest. I can say without a single doubt that in any single circumstance with regard to Mark’s care, she will have already have done what needed to be done, whilst all the rest of us are sitting around talking it over. 
I apologize in advance for any crusty cantankerousness, overly sarky tone in my diction. My natural curmudgeonliness does often not mesh well with my own personal links to Mark, when played out in discussion forums such as these.

I don’t mean to seem unreceptive, or unthankful, for any fresh ideas or input. It would just seem more realistic to assume a framework incorporating the here & now, as opposed to that of 9 months ago. In other words, the vast majority of short-term options have already run out their course, and it’s time now to deal with the long-term options.
I remain,
Most Sincerely,
Ginger J