Canadian murdered in Yonghe

Me too. Reminds me of the dislike William Samson had for the Canadian consular officials!!!:rofl::joy:

Some of the most angry and contemptuous passages in the book, however, are reserved for the Canadian embassy, and an unnamed consul he calls “the Muppet,” who visits him and only adds to his torment by presuming he’s guilty, appearing to side with his tormentors. “The first consul congratulated my interrogators and himself on developing such a good relationship.”

The Canadian embassy retains a Saudi lawyer for him, but Sampson and his father consider him a stooge for the authorities. Sampson quotes his father saying, “The hypocrisy, downright dishonesty and treachery of the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs is appalling.”

Whatever the full facts are behind the Canadian government actions or omissions is hard for the reader to judge, but Sampson’s animosity is unbridled. In the end, he will renounce his Canadian citizenship, refuse to speak with embassy officials, and make his contempt for Ottawa a major feature of his book.