Canadian murdered in Yonghe

12 posts were split to a new topic: from Canadian

Yep that last one was a straight translation !

Falafel King? Solomon?

Learn how to use the quote function.
A 5-year-old can do it.

This murder has more twists and turns and side plots than the latest mission impossible movie

If not for the fact that a man was indeed murdered and quartered and his wife’s death should be viewed with suspicion and a dachshund possibly wandering around turtle island

We could just make this whole thing into a movie called
Mission Implausible

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Who says I’m 5?

I just assumed no 5 year olds would be reading this and everyone else would be able to figure it out for themselves.

I wasn’t addressing you, check the thread

Lots of violence Taiwanese against Taiwanese too.

And they forget to mention the Taiwanese caught with drugs in other countries.

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This is like the rags-to-riches dream of every Canadian-arts-student-turned-kindy-teacher. LOL. :joy::joy: A true-life modern-day Horatio Hornblower albeit in a slightly shadier profession.

This story and all the different turns would make an amazing play or movie. Shit, it combines Bertolt Brecht, Trudeau immigration babies, Midnight Express, Exodus, and Straight Outta Compton. :joy::joy::joy::rofl:


What did a Canadian arts student turned kindy teacher ever do to you to piss you off so much? This has gone beyond an obsession.

Not pissed off at all. Thoroughly 100 percent entertained in a PT Barnum sort of way.

Can’t be better than a glass of wine watching the sun set over Provence, can it?

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I`m greedy – both are great!

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I have to be honest - I really don’t get it. You’re never going to meet these guys, you’re never going to work with them, they might as well be on another planet to you. Is it just entertainment?

Yip. It is like when Trump got elected. Some associates of mine looked glum indeed. I said whether you like him, dislike him, or are indifferent, it will not be boring. Lots of bread and circuses. To me, these stories, although too irregular in recent years, provide similar sort of entertainment although I really think the dog here is the innocent. Any future play or movie should be done from the dog`s perspective.


Uh oh. Seems some people have been bad abroad.

Not only Korea , there’s 8 of them on death row in Indonesia.

Scratch that, it seems that 20 of them are on death row (Huang, 11 existing on death row and then 8 more sentenced after the article was published ) and 5 have been shot dead.

In that time, according to Indonesia’s official records, 11 Taiwanese have received the death penalty for selling drugs in the country and five have been shot dead attempting to evade arrest for suspected drug dealing.