Canadian murdered in Yonghe

No thanks. When you live through that, no need for written descriptions.

You are probably more of an expert than the locals! As others have written before, if you have a profitable drug business, such a high profile murder just draws unnecessary attention.

If I had to suggest a movie for taking notes, I’d orient them to Pusher 3:

Back in my “old country” we had a murder exactly like this. One guy was supposed to be on the lookout while the other guy dumped the bags. Lookout guy bailed so bag dumper guy fled as well and did not dump the remaining bags.

I wonder why the dog was at the crime scene, or why it did lead the friends to the crime scene if the man was killed elsewhere and then brought to the river.

Well that’s just awful. I can’t and wouldn’t dare imagine the cognitive chaos that comes with such horrors. I would only hope, as I do in this case, that the end was quick, relatively painless and totally unexpected.

They might have gotten overly enthusiastic with a punishment beating.

So you can imagine our shock when children who have been traumatized by these same horrors are taken in a grueling trek across jungles and deserts and more evil than one can imagine by their parents in order to escape the devastation… and end up further traumatized by being separated from their only source of comfort and love, drugged, abused, and many other unthinkables in teh hands of so called legal authorities across the river. We already have bad enough maras, we do not need to make the next generation any worse. And yet, the social experiment goes on…

Probably best in such cases to choose the (an)other border, or better yet another country if your goal is to escape your situation regardless of any legalities involved.

Let’s not sidetrack to another Trump / American politics thread enough of that stuff already for a Taiwan site.

It seems likely he was killed locally and body disposed of hastily. Possibly killed in own apartment or nearby.

Guessing his friends have some suspicions and background knowledge that can help investigators . No way this could all happen without some CCTV footage.

The dog may have more to “say”, as he escaped from the police station. As per the animal association in charge, the doggie was found and is in medical treatment and will NOT be put up for adoption anymore.

Back to the local murder then, my point is that someone who chops another human being is missing quite a few screws and may have undergone tremendous trauma themselves.

There have been a few gruesome murders here in taiwan. Just yesterday someone dumped a baby in a purse on a scooter, fled, and then was amazed when found by police. For example. There are also fatal encounters in anger, mob hits,etc. but the most vicious killings happeneing here are often between couples, as seen by the guy who last chopped up his gf and hid her pieces in several locations. There was a spat of like 3 cases -copycats- at that time. So this may be a copycat, which is lovely* as a trend. *sarcasm on

This is the fourth dismemberment this year.

I disagree. If I’d kill somebody and would want to cover my crime, chopping up the body and putting it in bags in order to dispose of it through garbage disposal would be the first idea that would come to my mind. Why they left the remains in the open air is the question tho.

Like almost all the other cases this year, they are amateurs and possibly the crime wasn’t planned in advance ?
His friends are keeping quiet they must have a lot to say.

I would call that extreme circunstances. Now, how often would you encounter those here in Taiwan?

Oh and the old garbage disposal murder has been tried befroe… and they have systems in place to prevent that. Not that people do not keep trying…

In the old country, you know any minor argument with a neighbor will escalate…guns will come out, someone will end up dead. It does not take a fender bender but a simple claxon to also end up with a bullethole. Here in Taiwan baseball bats and golf clubs and gather the brothers call of arms may happen, but guns or knives… Well, last Tuesday I think there was an incident at a KTV, a favorite venue for thsi kind of disputes. Knives and I think one dead or at least hurt.

What kind of system ?

Interesting bit in the Appel Daily:

Regading the issue of Ryan being caught with weed, since they believed he was just a middle man, they set up a “catch and release”, to try to get to the big fish. News of the incident were suppressed.

Throwing another theory: he was collaborating with the cops. Someone found out. Or was suspect of such.

Duped, that’s my theory!

Thanks, I’ll remember about that next time I find myself having to deal with a corpse :sweat_smile:

Going on with movies reference, how about pigs?