Canadian murdered in Yonghe

Indeed, his family must have a hard time. His friends looked as if they were in complete disbelief over tyhe whole ordeal. This kind of tragedy is hard to process.

As to the daughter, well, when reports give his data -BTW, they did get his age wrong in several places- they also stated him as a teacher, married with one child. then went on to explain that his wife died last year. I wonder if the wife and child they refer to is a perviosu marriage, perhaps. If I can get a screen grab or pic I´ll share.

We know where those bodies are buried. Admittedly we’d have to blowup the Xinyi expressway to get at them but still…

Apparently he took out 100k NTD at the atm before he was killed. They found 2 machetes so they think it was 2 people. But good news is they found his dog Lulu, strange news is 100k ntd is the amount he offered to find his lost dog spongy which is still lost.

EDIT: Ugh, thread is much longer than I realized and Ironlady has already translated the article.

That’s what neighbours say about me but I don’t have a puppy …Lesson …Neighbours can talk a lot of shit especially about people who look different.

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This one says that they might have found the spot where the body was dismembered

This one shows the guy who had to identify him at the scene and on camera… wtf.
Poor guy

The neighbors did it.

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Pooch ransom gone bad?

I hope spongy is ok. Really cute dog. Is he just not leashing the dogs?

And that would be…?

The typically tactful Taiwanese news. Filming everything and anything. Pictures of bloated bodies in the papers after the 2004 Tsunami, filming a body being retrieved from a river in Southern Taiwan (I think the spin was that the body was of a foreigner and his friends were angry at the filming and threw rocks at the camera guy “just doing his job.”). As far as I know Apple Daily is the worst, but they are Hong Kong based, so I shouldn’t generalize too much.

How is his buddy not totally freaking out and barfing all over the place when he identifies his friends head in the bag?

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Yeah, right! I was thinking the same thing. I would be losing my $#!& , If I were him. Could be shock. Could also be that this was one of the friends who earlier found the torso and thought the clothing was familiar.

So not at someone’s house then. Mmmh… next question, did they know each other or was it a random attack in the park by some monster waiting in the bushes with a machete? He withdraw money before it happened. Did he owe bad people money and he did not bring enough? Did he try to buy drugs and was killed because he was working for the police? :thinking:

Whaaaaaat’s in the baaaaahx?!?!?! Come on, whaaaaat’s in the baaaaahxx?!?!?!

How many bank accounts do you need to withdraw NTD100,000 from the ATM (not from a regular bank-based withdrawal)? My limit for one card is 40 or 60K, I forget. Anyways, the fact it matches the bounty for the lost dog exactly seems to indicate a trap. Meaning it might be someone who had access to his FB. Someone who knew him? The law of parsimony suggests the easiest answer, of an orchestrated hit by someone he knew, rather than a random murder. The dismemberment is still a concerning factor I can’t seem to wrap my mind around.

He lost the dog the year before when his wife drowned.

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not sure if already posted, the dog has been found.

And I guess the killer cut the dog, when the dog is defending its owner.

100k for the kill? Let’s put that in perspective, that’s only just over 3k Usd. Idk, I still don’t feel drug related, I was told from reliable sources a run of the mill dealer depending on drugs can clear that in a week easy in revenue. It’s 5k for a gram of coke. And drug dealers don’t make dime bag runs. Usually don’t come to you or meet up unless you got 10k min. I can’t see any drug dealer that’s for real enough to kill do it for 100k.

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