Canadian Politics/News


Shhh, dont tell Harper. He might write ankther letter on behalf of all canadians apologizing for not going along with it.

Why is it no one listens to Canada until after the fact and its too late.

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I actually was mildly in favour of the war until it became obvious Washington and London were just spewing lies to justify it.
Ah, the days of yellowcake, Curveball, and polished aluminum tubes…


I thought everyone should have known it was a lie the Media called for War prior to the UN Weapons inspector finishing investigation, they weren’t even allowed 3 days. On top of that the US and US Media (Fox, CNN) constantly were suggesting close links between Iraq and Osama Bin Laden/Al Queda…


I really hated Bush back then so I was against it. PM Chretien stood up to Bush and its one of our great moments. Bush threatened a lot but Chretien didn’t go along. The opposition, Harper, who later became PM tried to push Canada into the war. @Explant mentioned that above

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I just remember years of the fear mongering Media doing daily weather along with Red/Orange/Yellow alerts and police state at airports and Patriot Act. Something heavily supported by Establishment Republicans and Democrats

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You know yellow cake?

They listened but chose to ignore. The point was to attack someone in the middle east to show American power. Bush probably didn’t believe Iraq had any WMDs.


Back when I still lived in canada, CNN was considered right of center. Oh how things have changed. I could even say I miss Bush now…

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It had something of the flavor of a no-knock raid. The point of which is to stop them disposing of the evidence down the toilet.

Speaking of which… there were some funny readings from the rivers, as I recall.

Can’t say the UN is credible on any security topic whatsoever.

Attacking Iraq/Iran or Syria was thought of a decade prior, they just needed an opportunity to sell it and Osama bin laden in Afghanistan was the best opportunity they were going to get. With the emotions of 9-11 fresh they could have sold a war anywhere unrelated with the help of the MSM and they did…Iraq was completely unrelated. Look at Dick Cheney in 1994 totally predicting what the Bush admin + Cheney claimed they didn’t know would happen if they invaded Iraq in 2003 and the sectarian wars after :rofl: The reason I dislike Biden is he was a strong proponent of this War along with his buddies Bush/Cheney/Bolton/McCain/ Joe Biden and John Kerry. Clinton voted for it as well.

Even I call it right occasionally.

I called Afghanistan correctly, too. Nobody ever wins there. Does that put me one up over Canadian intelligence?



Yup. ‭they’re all the same. The differences are only for projecting on stage for us commons so someone wins for the next 4 years.

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I forgot Joe Biden, he and Kerry was two of the most outspoken supporters of the Iraq invasion on the Democrat side…Almost put Hillary to shame.

What did he have to gain ? Investments in military companies?

Perhaps, I never looked into it. Just disgusted by those war mongering establishment clowns in the GOP and DNC

They are still around and one is running for the presidency - goes by the name of Joe.

Ya. The other goes by the name of pompous Bufoon

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OK, but Bush did it. Somebody had a friend of my family suicided. Dems, Reps, New Labour… Difficult to call.

I hold Bush, Cheney and John Bolton most accountable… And Michael Morrell Deputy director of CIA. But seriously we also have Biden who needs to be held accountable too which so far isn’t happening from the media. In the same way Trump is being made accountable for his F ups with Covid and BLM response