Canadian Politics/News

Not for the corporate socialists:

“Virtually nowhere else in the civilised world it now required to wear a mask”
Greetings from the non-civilised world.
I can’t believe people once thought this dipstick was intelligent.


Oh come on. You don’t become a university professor by having a low IQ. It just doesn’t happen. It gets really tiresome seeing people deride those who don’t agree with them as merely insufferably stupid.

What’s wrong with just presenting a rational argument against his position? Surely you have one?

JP is getting a bit irritating these days - he was a lot more fun when he just talked, without worrying about ‘precision’ too much - but his depiction of the Canadian Communist Party isn’t too far off the mark, and how far it has dragged the county from a historically well-respected position. He’s also right that certain members of the Canadian public are in a state of denial because it’s too frightening to accept reality.

He’s just incorrigibly eurocentred. I doubt he’s even thought a minute about the 1.6 billion of us here in East Asia—those of us in “the non-civilised world.”


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It happens.

It was given, you just didn’t understand it.

I’ve met one or two who … lacked some life skills. Unintelligent? No, never met one. I don’t see how anyone watch JP’s videos and characterize him as “unintelligent”. That’s a really lazy argument.


I didn’t see Mike make any argument at all. How do you fit an argument into two sentences?

I believe you have never met a professor you felt was unintelligent. I’ve spent most of my life in universities, most of that working.

Likely we have different measures for what is considered an intelligent person

It takes some intelligence :rofl:

Well done. That’s probably the most oblique way of calling someone stupid that I’ve ever seen on forumosa.

I’m referring to the technical definition of g. I will clarify: I’ve never met a university professor who was not above the 95th percentile for g, on an (obviously) superficial assessment. Many of them had a limited range of skills - they would not test above average on components of IQ outside of their skill set - but that doesn’t make them “dipsticks”.

A pretty good proxy for g is reaction time. I would suggest that JPs ability to respond quickly and coherently to questioning is a marker of high(er) intelligence.

As for Mike’s “argument”, I’m pretty sure he’s smart enough to realise that it doesn’t invalidate the whole presentation, but he doesn’t care. The ‘virtually’ in the sentence implies that outliers may exist. You may also make the inference that countries that retain mask mandates are in danger of losing their ‘civilized’ badge. Take your pick.

Another sign of intelligence is being able to see beyond only two choices. I think most people are neither

Tin Pot Trudy

The tyranny of Justin Trudeau has finally been exposed - and by two Brits, no less

A lawsuit has shown Canada’s travel vaccine mandate had little to do with science and everything to do with politics

Let us know how the lawsuit goes. :popcorn:


As it happens, the bureaucrat in charge of crafting one of the world’s “strongest vaccination mandates in the world”, according to the bureaucrat herself and Trudeau, has an undergraduate degree in English literature and self-evidently didn’t have the scientific knowledge to take a call

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Tell it to the judge. :slightly_smiling_face:


Christ, English-lit diktats :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

The tale of Trudeau’s vaccine mandates has ramifications far outside Canada. The world over, governments have invoked draconian powers, heretofore only used in wartime, to control and regulate their people and curtain fundamental individual liberties, such as the right to gather or the right to mobility. Everywhere, people are told by their governments, much as Trudeau told Canadians, we’re so sorry, we hate to restrict your freedoms, but we’re just following the science and the evidence. We know, in the case of Canada’s travel mandate, that this is simply false. In the Canadian case, Trudeau’s ministers have made it clear that the suspended mandates could come back, as, indeed, could Covid-based restrictions the world over.

“The worst thing that we can do is actually make fun of it. It validates their opinion that when they’re mocked, they really know the truth. Calling them crazy, or using other derogatory terms towards them makes them feel validated that they are on the right path,” said Celestini, who points out Didulo’s reach has grown outside of Canada.

They’re a symptom of the underlying problem. If Turdeau wasn’t a complete and total clown, fringe elements wouldn’t look sane in comparison.

Lol, this woman looks sane to you?

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