Canadian Politics/News

Who better to comment on the developments in Bali than . . . John Cleese!


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It is about body language. Trudeau looks like he needs a scolding and Xi looks like a thug.

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Just in case we’ve lost track, this is the guy who presided over the pandemic that killed millions of people and caused huge disruptions around the world. Any consequences of note? Non.

This is also the guy who oversaw the arbitrary detention of two Canadians in the Huawei debacle. It took piles of negotiation to get them out of China. Any consequences of note? Non.

It’s also the guy who has presided over the operation of illegal “police stations” on Canadian territory and who is implicated in influence campaigns in Canada, as urgently underlined by Canadian intelligence officers.

He keeps up the gangster pose and the gangster actions, all with no apparent consequences.


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You could say similar things about Trudeau. Any consequences of note? Non.


With all due respect, this is one of the most contemptable comments I have read on this site. There is absolutely no equivalence here.


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I loved it, especially since in 2013 he professed admiration for their system.
It’s actually true that Fidel Castro was godfather to all of Pierre Trudeau’s children. Whether or not one agrees with the political positions taken by Pierre Poilievre, the new Conservative leader, the fact is that he is far more capable of leading this country and have a far better understanding of real issues.

Justin Trudeau’s ‘foolish’ China remarks spark anger | CBC News

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Lots of things are contemptible sbout Clownworld Today (I’m thinking of starting a magazine with that name). They ought to be talked about, not just sniffed at and ignored.

Exactly how did Xi “preside over” the pandemic? Are you seriously suggesting the whole planet handed over sovereignty to China? In some ways they actually did: they shut down their manufacturing (what little of it remained), told people to stay at home, and allowed China to pick up the economic slack. But that wasn’t because Xi forcibly took over. Either there was deliberate intent to undermine sovereignty on a massive scale and hand it over to a hostile power - which would imply crimes tantamount to treason - or it implies incompetence so extreme that a retarded five-year-old could have made smarter decisions. Whichever one it was, Trudeau and his ilk deserve a jolly good spanking.

If you’re suggesting China was responsible for COVID, well, they appear to have been culpable or complicit somewhere along the line, but it’s one of those things we’ll never know the truth about. It seems 99% likely that SARS-CoV-2 was/is synthetic. Who made it? How did it get “out there”? The fingers of blame point in several directions. Xi, personally, probably wasn’t the guy who done it. The people who really did the damage were the people who went along with it all, instead of saying “enough of this”.

Let’s discuss “arbitrary detention”. You are familiar with Trudeau’s response to the trucker convoy, I assume? And the reasons for it (and no, the reasons were not “Donald Trump and Russia”). Calling it the Karen convoy doesn’t make the optics any better. Trudeau’s massive, high-handed overreaction to people saying “leave us alone!” was precisely what you would have expected from a tinpot dictator, not a statesman.

The “illegal” police stations can’t possibly be illegal. They must be there because of Canadian compliance and at least tacit agreement. Trudeau doesn’t seem to have any real problems with undermining the rule of Law, in any case.

That’s Trudy all through. He just hasn’t mastered the RBF. When he tries to look tough he ends up looking like a little girl who doesn’t want to eat her sprouts.



Definite similarities, albeit just on a smaller scale. He’s certainly trying his best. He so desperately wants to be one of the big boys. I hope he’s okay.

Scolded in public by one of his fave role models! Ouch.

I guess we could look at it this way, as an “admirer of China’s basic dictatorship,” the admonishment might encourage him to become a better authoritarian, and maybe one day get that pat on the back from Xi, that he’s always wanted, and for a job well done.

Chin up, Trudman! :salute:

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I know, right? He should probably write a self-criticism. It’s not as easy as it looks, being a successful authoritarian.


My translation of that convo:

Xi: “That’s not how you do it, man. If you wanna be one of us, you gotta do it like this.”

Turdy: “Sure thing, boss. Thanks for the feedback. I’m on it.”

Both handshake and exit.


Funny is how Xi could not care less about what Trudeau was saying. And Trudeau had to stand there and take it. What is he going to do? Affront China even more?

Right up the pooper.

Somehow, I think he’s ok with it.


Oh, so, Finley, you’re suggesting China did not preside over the pandemic and is not responsible for millions of death or causing disruption around the world? And Xi has faced enough consequences so we should all stop picking on him?

[quote=“afterspivak, post:1306, topic:195816”]
This is also the guy who oversaw the arbitrary detention of two Canadians in the Huawei debacle. It took piles of negotiation to get them out of China. Any consequences?

And Finley approves of all Xi’s actions?

I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt- I assume he just hates Trudeau so much he didn’t bother to read or understand the post.

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Sigh. No. I’m suggesting the world is a lot more complicated than “everything is China’s fault”, or “Xi is the bad guy and Trudeau is the good guy”. I even explained why, but apparently you didn’t read that far.

What we have here looks uncomfortably like collusion between multiple governments to replace democracy and rule of Law with the kind of authoritarianism that Trudeau apparently admires. Of course, there’s no such thing as conspiracies, so what we actually have is a complete coincidence, in which multiple governments simultaneously decided to hand over a big slice of political and economic power to China.

If you think China managed this unilaterally/single-handedly, feel free to spell out how that happened. Frankly, if they really did manage to pull off a stunt like that, then they probably deserve to rule the world.

Of course I bloody don’t. Where have I said this? If think Xi is an asshole for the same sort of reasons I think Trudeau is an asshole, as I explained; it’s just that Xi is rather more successful at being an asshole. If you were Xi, and you were faced with weak, power-hungry, man-child characters like Trudeau running countries that you would like to dominate, what would you do? What would you do if those weak leaders like your way of getting shit done and seek to emulate it? You’d treat them like that picture that @FairComment posted, wouldn’t you - because that’s what they secretly desire.

A lot of this stuff boils down to Freudian explanations, IMHO. And I honestly don’t get why the far-left are so down on Xi. Isn’t mass surveillance and enforced compliance with nonsensical edicts the socialist nirvana they all hope for?

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You guys are stretching. It’s fun, ok, but meaningless.

It’s all fun and games until 17 million people end up in the gulag.

You could see from the way he walked away that he was not ok. What’s he gonna do? He didn’t apologize or escalate. He stood his ground. Not easy to be the politician leading a middle power


I’m glad my country has a democratically elected leader that speaks truth to power but doesn’t let his ego ruin the country. The hyperbole bores me.

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I’m taking the piss because the world is already on a course that can’t be changed. There’s nothing I can do about it. I don’t think there will be gulags as such in Canada. But there is going to be a gradual erosion of civil rights, prosperity, and social order which is not exactly deliberate, but an outcome of politicians and populace unquestioningly accepting a synthetic religion based around earth-worship, fear of disease, and a novel economic theory. People like Xi know exactly what they’re doing and have a clear vision of where they’re going. People like Trudeau are just being pulled along for the ride.

Civilisations have come and gone in the past and contemporary commentators saw the signs well in advance. Those civilisations nevertheless ended up submerged under the sand, presumably because the majority didn’t want to know and didn’t want to do anything to avert catastrophe.

In any case I’m still waiting to hear exactly how China “presided over” The Pandemic™. If Trudeau was merely a powerless, innocent bystander, that in itself suggests he’s a waste of space.