Canadian Politics/News

A while back I saw one of those badly-written, tinfoil-hat books on Amazon called “Agenda 2030”. I thought it looked like conspiracy-theory nonsense.

And now here we are.

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It fits

This is terrifying if countries really go full cashless. I find it hard to imagine the world would be this dumb. So I hold onto some optimism we arent so naive.

How are the elites gonna pay for their hookers and blow in a cashless society?

If only those were the only problems with a cashless society. Sadly it is more about human. rights, freedoms, privacy and oppression.

But sure, hookers too I guess? They ought to make it legal and let these poor women have an ounce of safety, but the same morons probably make these laws as the ones that take away freedom of trade.

Plus, they can probably trade blow for hookers and avoid the tax man anyway. regardless of legal tender.

What I meant was, don’t worry about it. There will still be ways to pay for these things

great. but I dont want blow or hookers. I want eggs, work, energy etc. dumping physical makes things sketchy as shit. if maintaining legal physical money, it is all good. we have had debit and credit cards etc for decades. digital isnt bad. cashless is bad.

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The plan is to be digital and cashless:

"The pandemic accelerated the push towards the cashless society. The combination of social restrictions and a fear of spreading the contagion by touching contaminated bills saw businesses rush to introduce contactless payment alternatives. This push is only set to grow, Karakoy said.

“Cash will continue to decline globally in favor of electronic payments for everyday transactions and we expect most markets to be functionally cashless by 2030,” Karakoy said."

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We already are. Have been for a while. Totally cool to streamline it, no issues there. but we already see the seeds being sown to take away physical money in places. It would be very smart if the world stood up before it became a thing in order to defend it before it’s gone. My rough guesstimate is still a couple decades.

I’d take them over Trudeau any day of the week.

He doesn’t read but the suburban moms like him :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
Justin Trudeau, like his peers, seeks politics without politics - The Globe and Mail

“I don’t read the newspapers, I don’t watch the news,” he confessed with apparent pride. “I figure, if something important happens, someone will tell me.”

No comment, other than to say I can understand Xi’s Chinese better than CKS’ in the 60 minutes with Morley Safer.

Trudeau talks to Xi like leader of a nation to another leader of a nation.

Xi scolds Trudeau like he’s a school child.

I get that Canada has long been in China’s doghouse for . . . what? Enforcing rule of law with the Huawei debacle, followed by Beijing grabbing Canadians and detaining them arbitrarily? You can decide who is the problem here.

In this case, Xi’s specific peeve seems to be that Trudeau spoke to the press to mention the contents of an earlier convesation with Xi. Perhaps Xi is pissed because he does not understand this “press” thing.


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Just to make my point clear, the goal is to be digital and cashless, completely and totally. As in, no cash, only digital.

We’re not there yet. 2030 is the planned time frame.

Time will tell, if and when it happens. I never thought you could enslave the world in just a couple of years, but they did that too. When they want something done quickly, they can do it to speed it all up.

With China leading the way, I suspect the rest will follow pretty quick. Sort of like with covid :slight_smile:

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One of the best responses I’ve seen to this exchange is here:


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And finally here is the CBC’s Saša Petricic’s take on the exchange in Bali. As some forumosans will know, he was the last CBC correspondent in Beijing before Xi’s government effectively forced this bureau to shut down (and now relocate to Taipei):


Yes, this is the real worry: cashless. specifically physcal-less. this is a huge misstep that is really fuck up what we have grown up to regard as basic human rights. It is a worthy cause to force governments now to make policies into laws regarding the need for a permanent physical.currency. Once it is gone, well…20 years from now we can do the told ya so game to those that thought it was a bright idea. but it will be too late then :frowning:

I agree. with big countries already trying. And countries like china openly doing it to oppress their people, no less, it is fucking mind boggling how the sheep arent fighting the herder by now. mind boggling!

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All digital—it’s so convenient! :star_struck:


No, incorrect. Digital = convenient. yes. Taking away physical is beyond moronic.

Both or go home. the world is getting WAY too comfortable with increasing oppression.


In case the starry-eyed emoji was unclear: I agree. :slightly_smiling_face:


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There are loads of random readers online that need things spelled out. apologies for beating a dead horse, but we live in a draft world these days :innocent:

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