Cancel Culture Victims

In my experience it’s just another form of attention fishing both outside and within the affected communities. It’s a detriment to all. Social media has warped personalities in a terrible way, and that’s becoming clearer every day.

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Not at the Taipei American School. It’s taken over.


The problem is that the identitarian ideology dominates the Democrats’ agenda and messaging, and the language of identitarianism has been adopted by virtually all main stream institutions.

No. It wasn’t my most cogent post ever, but my point was just that it isn’t new, and I don’t think it’s a permanent shift in the rules of society.

I admire your optimism. And nothing is like permanent permanent. But I guess everything depends on the size of the backlash, and it’s going to take a big one to overcome the woke pandemic.

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We’ll see. I think there’s an increasing backlash against (unjustified) cancellation. Pretty much everyone seems to agree that Bright Sheng didn’t do anything wrong. Hopefully he’ll be reinstated and the cancel-meter will tick down a little.

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How to decide which cancellations are justified is the tricky bit.

Good article from Taibbi, but as he notes.

Nobody checked, because everyone liked the narrative as was. As a result, “at least one thousand” became gospel, via headlines like Gizmodo’s1,000 Netflix Employees Are Reportedly Planning Walkout to Protest New Chappelle Special,” or The Independent inviting us to “watch live” as “more than one thousand Netflix employees are set to walk out of their jobs on Wednesday.”

As he later points out those at least 1,000 employees planning a protest turned out to be just dozens. But begs the question why is the MSM hyping and encouraging cancel culture. It’s not the first time, the useful idiots Antifa have been egged on from the start and arguably protected by the likes of the FBI who could quickly put an and to them if they so wished.

Putin just weighed in on the whole woke brigade, likening them to the Bolsheviks which I have done myself.

Much worth quoting from that article. But this one stands out as precedent.

Look, beware of going where the Bolsheviks once planned to go

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Quest for clicks. No one wants to waste a big number that could be used in a headline. Percolated through a filter of woke-leaning to outright woke or woke-fearing staff.

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Bill Maher and John McWhorter making sense as usual

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I think your two lines could be separated.

Initially, I really believe it was simply for clicks. Perhaps the people in the rank-and-file of media companies were true believers but people at the top were interested in earnings reports. We don’t remember that as recent as 2015, many believed that traditional news media was about half a year from extinction.

However, now I think that a lot of folks are true believers. They’ve gone through their lives in information vacuums and, in my opinion, really believe ‘words are violence’.

Beyond that, we’re in a cycle where traditional news is reporting on stories that they invented and hyped then report on simply because they are in the news that they created.

For example, remember that January 6 ‘support protest’ or whatever it was a few weeks back. I follow a few conservative commentators on Telegram and all were saying it was an FBI sting operation. Even Trump was saying not to go but the news hyped it for two weeks as a possible repeat of January 6 OR WORSE. However, more reporters than protestors showed up and about half of the protestors who did attend looked strikingly like federal agents. However, the media covered it because ‘it had been in the news’.

Last week we were told that thousands of people from Netflix were going to strike - perhaps upwards of 20% of the company. It appears that…a few dozen people turned out but the news reported on it because ‘it had been in the news’. Interestingly, this was happening at the same time as numerous strikes were happening in various industries throughout the country for a variety of reasons that really impact the average person.



I think for the woke the ends justifies the means. When feelings dictate a certain priority, facts and truth take second place. The very possibility of objectivity is specifically questioned.

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This resonates so true. I make fun of white people and straight people with my buds and no one takes it seriously, just like we don’t take jokes about gays or blacks seriously with our white, straight friends. In fact, I’m wary of anyone that can’t find humor in our differences because they are fake as hell. Chappelle rightly finds humor in the irony of it all.


This is the key point. The woke are righteous and therefore their goals are true. Lying, ignoring, or misrepresenting facts is fine because the end result is moral.

A girl getting anally raped in a formally girls’ only bathroom is to be ignored, because the end goal justifies ignoring it.


I’m not really going any place with this but the fact that the folks you are joking with are your friends and it’s either happening in person or with people you know in ‘real life’ appears to be an important data point.

A campaign ad for Glenn Youngkin, Republican candidate for Governor in Virginia, features a woman documenting the horrors and nightmares her child suffered after being forced to read hideously inappropriate material in public school, and her brave attempt to fight back.
She doesn’t mention that her child was 18 at the time, a senior in high school, and taking an Advanced Placement class (a completely voluntary advanced class that gives college credit for college level courses). She also doesn’t mention that the material was the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel Beloved, by Nobel Literature laureate Toni Morrison. Also not mentioned is that she was a Republican Party activst at the time, and has been ever since.
OTOH, her son ended working in the Trump administration, and is now a lawyer for the National Republican Congressional Committee, so he obviously had some terrible experiences that left him such a twisted individual.

That’s all very interesting @MikeN1, was there relevance to Cancel Culture Victims the thread is supposed to be about?

Also, was that the woman who was not allowed to read the passages because of the non-existent children in the room? Weren’t those books in the school library (that’s how the woman checked them out)?