Cancel Culture Victims


The BDSM community disapproves.


How about that evil Khruschev cancelling poor Joseph Jugashveli? Not content with changing the name of the city named after him, he even dug up his bones and spirited them away.

It was very common among socialists at the time. Uncle Joe himself cancelled many opponents. Disappeared from photographs.

Why are using this as an example?

I love ‘Bob’s Burgers.’ Please don’t give them any ideas. Yes, I’m a liberal and I support BLM. And yes, I also think this shit is going too far. A black person’s life isn’t going to be improved because Jenny Slate had to quit her voice acting role. This superficial window dressing only serves to harm and shame people, but isn’t actually fixing anyone’s life or improving conditions for anyone.

(I’m also thankful Bojack Horseman ended before they were guilted into recasting Diane)

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Because of all the complaints that we can’t tear down statues of slavers, Confederate generals, imperialists etc., because of “history”.
When the Americans tore down Saddam Hussein’s statue in Baghdad they didn’t ask any locals. When Taiwanese students defaced statues of CKS that their legally constituted university administrations supported, I don’t recall any cries against “vandalism” or the “mob” on Forumosa.
Because it’s not about rioters or democracy or violence; it’s simply “hooray for our side”.

All the complaints?

The problem starts when the marxist groups behind the furor start targeting statues of Jesus and other symbols that some fringe finds problematic. Sure Confederate generals were awkward symbols but who’s next without society deciding democratically? Let the people decide not hate groups.


You have a problem with hypocrisy from some unnamed posters here? Fair enough, but Stalin does seem an odd example as his cancel culture was particularly deadly and went a bit beyond vandalism.

Archbishop of San Francisco recites Exorcism against Satan and the Fallen Angels at site where St. Junipero Serra’s statue was torn down.
Exorcism starts around 20:40 in latin.

Just starting watching this, coincidentally.


So does slavery.

Let the city councils decide. Mob rule is bad. My old elementary school is changing it’s name. It was named after some rich landowner in the 1800s who dingdingding owned a farm in Saratoga and had slaves working it.

Communities need to make the decision on the record. It’s better for the community to do so imo than to allow a bunch of destructive knuckleheads to tear shit down and scare people.


Slavery didn’t introduce cancel culture. What are you on about?

Name the posters who you think are arguing that no Confederate etc statues should ever be taken down. Otherwise your posts are just odd.

What about the Romans?


How do you cancel a sitting senator? Just call him by his skin color.

emphasized text

Lost in the shuffle is the fact that Scott was objecting to being called a “token” black by major Democratic Party politicians. If you didn’t know better, you might think they had a point. After all, Scott is the only black Republican Senator–as we are told, over and over again–while there must be, what? 10? 20? 30 black Democratic senators?

Actually, there are two. If Kamala Harris resigns to run for vice-president, the parties will be tied at one. In all of American history, there have been ten black Senators–four Republicans and six Democrats.

And this just in. Sens. Booker and Harris did a write up in Rolling STone:

In it they state this little inaccurate gem:

Without them, we would not be writing this today, let alone be among the six popularly elected Black U.S. Senators in our nation’s history.

Yeah, there have been 10; 4 Republicans and 6 Democrats. Why oh why would they not be proud of those AA success stories if Black Lives Matter?

Seems a bit silly. Saw that one headline on page 2"tim+scott"&"tim+scott"

I’d go with nefarious.

Anyone who breaks ranks is persona non grata.

I guess you ignored the evidence I presented.

You linked to a google page on Tim Scott. Which evidence have I missed? Was I supposed to read all those articles? :nerd_face:

I did this search:"tim+scott"+the+only+black+GOP&"tim+scott"+the+only+black+GOP&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzoECAAQR1CQ9wFY7KUCYLWqAmgAcAF4AIABeIgBlQ2SAQQxOC4xmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpeg&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwiMoa-Mv6TqAhWPknIEHe8IDLA4ChDh1QMIDA&uact=5

I didn’t think I’d need to explain it! CNN has used his name in headlines many times recently. Drawing nefarious conclusions from the one time they did not, and especially comparing it to individual occasions when the names of other senators were used in headlines, seems silly.