Cancel Culture Victims

I’m still waiting for a ‘hate’ button. :shushing_face:


Oh you really want to start some flame wars. :joy::tired_face:

I’d prefer a “mild annoyance” button.

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Basically, she made a chinese name up and half of it was ok. Big deal.

Half the english names people use here are made up too. there’s a bunch of grown up girls with Baby as a first name, oh shit, sound the racism alarm!!

The twitter mob are acting like they know more about chinese than JK when they barely do. They don’t know jack, they mobbed me on there once after i confirmed chinese do infact eat weird stuff, which was told to me many times by chinese friends while i was living in china.


I read a neat theory that JK Rowling had been on vacation to Koh Chang.

I don’t know that he even wants any roles anymore, but great actor or no, he was stark raving foaming at the mouth mental on social media, literally threatening to have people killed etc.
Made Nooge the Stooge sound like Chomsky.

I’ve not read any of that, shall look it up.

He’s a very solid poker player.

Edit to fix grammar error

Posted 34 mins ago. Twitter locked his account after he started his Blue Lives Matter posting of police that have been killed.

File this under “Read the Room Fool”

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Is that a BLM slogan?

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Sounds to me like she put a korean family name with a chinese one and didn’t even realize it because it sounds asian enough.


Wait. What? Am I understanding this correctly? He simply posted the names of police officers who were killed? Or ‘would have been’ killed?

If it’s ‘were’, was he really locked out of twitter just for that? I must be missing something.

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There’s nothing indicating that his listing of police officers was the reason he got locked out.




Pretty ruthless in marriage as well. :whistle: :grimacing: :zipper_mouth_face:


Fuck Mark Wahlberg tbh.

As I stated above, there are many very logical reasons why her named could be spelled that way.

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Yeah I’m ok with him not getting work for saying shit like that. He forgot the parentheses around globalists, maybe he ran out of characters.

Anyways, there’s no record of him not getting work because of his stupid ass tweets.
There’s always the possibility that nobody wants to work with him because he’s a blazing asshole. :wink:


She got confused by the kayfabe, took woke slogans at face value.

Never take slogans at face value.

You mean like :all lives matter’? For once you’re onto something Rowls!