Cancel Culture Victims

Indeed. Everyone agrees that some lives don’t matter, and we’re all just bickering over which ones.

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Which ones do you think don’t matter?


And birds.

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It’s 99.9% bullshit anyways.
I doubt we’ll hear about Wally Markberg or Jake Whatsername lining up for Food Stamps anytime soon.

That’s harsh, man.

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Nice euphemism.

Well be ending this now.

Cheers and all the best

So Koreans, Chinese and the Vietnamese all have the same mentality? And are all alike?

Damn. James Woods needs to have a seat. Because I could point out the “ruthlessness” of white males when it comes to war.

Racist ass motherfucker. And yeah I broke a Flob rule.


True. But it’s also well know that Hollyweird has been excluding conservative as of late.

So why not both in this case ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I’m not going to lie, there is a reason they say never start a land war in Asia. The shit the Nazis did was nothing compared to the Japanese. They got off easy from war crimes, just because the allies felt guilty about the bombs.


Yeah lemme join you in saying this Woods tweet is racist as f

Another one who’s in the sunken place.
Seems like he wants to go deeper.

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It’s still a racist tweet and I ain’t here for the splitting of the straws.

Now if an Asian historian wants to educated me on the dynamics of war in Asia that’s fine. But I sure as shit ain’t listening to this fool tell me that Asians are “evil” when I have the receipts on what what his colonizing ancestors have done in the world.



Well, I have the colonizing receipts from the Japs :wink:

It is racist, and based on nothing but opinions that are his own about all Asians. I do feel that the CCP is ruthless though…and it’s not outside the realm of possibility they did do it on purpose.


Yeah I know what the Japanese did to the Chinese and Koreans.

And like I said. I don’t have an issue with an Asian educating me about the dynamics of it.

But come on son…it’s hypocrisy IMHO

And as for the CCP yeah nothing is beyond the range of Xi but I wouldn’t tweet that ish.


Well, only the Chinese nationals really hold much grudge these days. They have propaganda war movies fighting against the Japs 24/7 on state TV lol. Im not joking, I didn’t realize it and thought it was cool to have so many war movies when I was there. Then I realized they were all basically anti japanese :joy: The irony of it is the PLA weren’t the ones even fighting the Japanese, they were hiding in the moutains…but you won’t see much ROC symbols on Chinese soldiers in those films.

Koreans of course still hold grudges, the Japs haven’t been the best at apologizing for their atrocities. Taiwanese view them more favorably since they are an unofficial ally and we share much in culture from the times of being a Japanese colony.

As for me, the past is the past. Those people who did those things are dead (mostly). The new generation are not like that. And I wish everyone can just move forward peacefully and be friends.


I’ve read that and truth be told if you read Iris Chang’s book you’d (general sense) like “well I don’t agree but I understand” to paraphrase Chris Rock.

I mean those who committed the atrocities are dead but their families have lived on with the pain of knowing or hearing about the experience. Trauma can be passed on.

And it’s not like Chairman Mao was any better but that’s a whole seperate story.

I’m all for people being friends but we need to learn about all of this viciousness so our behaviors and mentalities can change.

I get it, my family was supporters of the opposition to the KMT during martial law. We have plenty of stories in the family. But imo, wounds can’t heal unless you start letting it without conditions. Thats how I feel about it, I know others won’t agree, which is understandable.


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