CANZUK - Commonwealth People got opinions?

They had that with 27 countries :joy:.
Now they have it with…Ireland, but only the free movement and labour bit. :grin: (And by the way more British people are moving to Ireland to work and to sponge off our social welfare than the other way around and that has been happening for years already !)

Well. Yeah. But Brexit has already happened.

It hasn’t really. It’s only going into full effect Dec 31st.
Right now they are working on the trade deal nobody knows if it will be agreed although I’d say the odds are good it will get done. But it won’t be anything like the free trade zone and there won’t be free movement or a trade deal for services either .
You’ll hear a lot about fish and this and that though which are actually miniscule industries.

Bye, bye, holidays in Spain, Portugal and beer runs to Belgium, cigarette runs to France!

They’ll be a bit slower, but I don’t see the “Bye, bye” bit.

The Brits probably need to apply for a visa. :thinking: :crazy_face:

Duty free will be a thing again between Ireland and the UK ? Bring back the booze cruise.

As to expanded trade, well and good, but you don’t need a separate organisation for that. If any of these countries expanded trade with Nigeria or Sri Lanka it would be good but nobody proposes a special grouping for that. Why?

Regulatory differences and enforcement mechanisms for one.

Joining the EU is a long arduous process that involves many many many negotiations on regulatory bodies.

Do you trust Nigerian food safety equal to or over CANZUK countries?

They know canada is down even after they leave the eu. We are always down with the uk. We even print their inbreeds on our money and sing about them in our national anthem. We will serve as their pawn in saving face :slight_smile: god bless the queen!

Hey, she’s the Queen of Canada in Canada and in relation to everything Canadian. I understand she has the same relationship to a small group of islands in the North Sea.