Cats in summer

So I recently adopted two cats who are 10/11 weeks old and I am wondering how well they will do during summer in terms of the heat.

Do lost pet owners run the AC at home during the hottest time of the day? or do you put 2 fans on for them?

Also, is a cooling pad a worthwhile item to buy for cats?

Thanks for any advice!

Not sure. Just don’t let any hungry Italians babysit your cat.

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Leave the fan on for them, make sure they have enough cool water to drink. A cooling pad is probably good but lying on the tile ain’t bad, either.

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Yes to the AC. Mornings are awful but midday and afternoon heat is deadly. At least leave a fan on. A Vornado works wonders.

A cooling pad not really. AC.

I put ice balls in their water bowls. If you can get one if those electric fountains, great.

The only room in my flat where the AC works is the bedroom, and the cats won’t come in and lie on the bed if it’s on. If I put a fan on in the living room, they move away and sleep somewhere else, usually on the tiles or a high place.

They have an ear infection (mold apparently) and they have to be kept separate from the rest of the house. I have the electrical fountain and a fan inside the room and outside the room blowing AC air into the gap of the door. I just don’t want them over heating because the room they are in gets hot. I am also worried about the ac bill.

I leave it on part of the day. If you can program 4 hours when hottest, better.

I thought cats love heat

I bought one of these for mine but he doesn’t like it, just went around the house drinking from my glasses!

In the end I just got him a normal bowl which I fill up before bedtime, he goes crazy when it’s time! Doesn’t like chilled water though, I have to use room temperature!

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In winter, yes. But like dogs, they do not sweat, can overheat easily.

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The lady from whom I adopted my cat said that as long as there is air circulation and fresh water it’s fine. That’s what she said at least. They’re desert animals, right? The mold in the ears can be prevented with a dehumidifier or regular cleaning with q tips, but I don’t dare to do that myself.

I mean cats have a higher body temperature than we do and I constantly see the cat lying in the sun even though it’s already bloody hot. So they like the heat. But for some reason my cat won’t drink from the water bowl but instead prefer the toilet

Cats love running water. Water from a bowl is stale. But toilet drinking is dangerous.

Guys, cats cannot tolerate too much heat. Where did you got they are desert animals? Sure, and dogs hunted in packs. Yours are domestic animals.

If cats do not drink enough water they will suffer kidneys failure and die quickly but painfully.