Caucasian Women's views on asian men

Just a curious question for caucasian women living in Taiwan or overseas. Have you found asian men more attractive or intriguing since you’ve been in Taiwan? I am an Asian Canadian who has had past cauasian girlfriends who have always been attracted to asian men. There always seems to be some sort of link though… such as having a past boyfriend who was asian or they have travelled throughout asia and have learned more about asian culture or they have lots of asian friends…

Perhaps you should rephrase your question to “Caucasian Women in Asia”. Naturally Asia will attract a lot more people attracted to Asians than you would find back home. The degree of white guys and girls with “yellow fever” is a lot higher in Taiwan than it is back in North America. Back in North America, the vast majority of people didn’t have any particular fetish for Asians. But in Taiwan every other guy or girl you meet has a ‘thing’ for Asian boys or girls. Why? Easy answer. Because guys or gals who prefer to date Asians, move to Asia. In North America they are a minority.

What woman in her right mind wouldn’t fall in love with this?

Quite a reasonable trawl there, Mariner. :laughing:


There’s a thread on this question already.

Sandy, a picture of the legislators and their 'activities" would be a better example

I would agree that chicks with “yellow fever” are a minority in North America. But refering to the first comment - I can say that I like asians and find asian guys quite attractive - BUT I find a lot of different guys attractive. My best friend growing up was a taiwanese, and I hung out with taiwanese crew in high school because of that - therefore I was more likely to date an asian. My first REAL boyfriend was a CBC. So neither chinese nor white - something in between, which is what I was. I was white, but my social group made me something in between.
Neways. Fun thinking - but I definately think that if girls are exposed to asian guys - they will be open to that in the future. Girls with less experience might not necessarily be closed off from it - but less likely to find herself fallin for asian men.

What woman in her right mind wouldn’t fall in love with this?[/quote]

And what man in his right mind wouldn’t fall for this?

When I was a student in Beijing and most of the Westerners I knew were there because they were actually interested in the culture, I found plenty of western women who were like princess_cara. The most typical white female/Asian male couple you’d see there was an artsy European girl with a hip, punk rock guy.

I don’t see why more Western women who live here aren’t into Asian guys. Fewer of them are fat slobs, they dress better (at least those in the urban centers), and typically they are more family oriented. If I were a straight white female in Taibei, I’d certainly try to go after some of the local guys instead of another expat (if I were in the countryside, I’d buy a vibrator.)

I have found since I have been in asia that the asia men who have the white girl fetish and ask stupid question about it (like the other 400 threads on this topic) are even more annoying than I thought it was when I was in the US. So yes, my views on asian men have changed significantly.

meh. I’m open to asian guys here. But I still am picky. I could see the artsy white chicks going for some rockin punk asian. Typically they’re “cooler” … A lot of western chicks like that to begin with. I dig the guys here, but … alass… none for me yet. LOL. Meh. BUT most guys are psychotic that do have this fetish thing for white women. I think that’s why I kinda dig the ABC’s or CBC’s here and the ones that have lived abroad for a significant amount of time - they don’t look at me with mouths hanging open and crazy idea’s in their heads. I wish more guys would feel comfortable and confident approaching me though.

And icky about it. They seem to take away the “case by case” bit. They don’t seem to care much what you are into or who you are, just your blond hair.

I’m neither a caucasian woman, or an asian man, so that makes me doubly qualified to spout forth the following diatribe…

My impression of the situation is that Asian men fall into several ‘undatable’ categories.

  1. The momma’s boy. Women hate that. Until they become mothers themselves.

  2. The fetishist. Have you seen ‘White Chicks?’ Its the whole ‘She is white.’ thing.

  3. The culturally trapped. Close to being a momma’s boy, but differentiated by the desire to be an individual but constrained by being the first born.

  4. The ugly bug. Can’t date a local? Try a whitey!

  5. The nerd. Cool enough to try a mixed race thang, nerdish enough to assume she is like an Asian girl.

  6. The hidden guy. Similar to the question ‘Why has my g/f dated 8 white guys before me?’ Answer, cos the lawyer/ doctor types here don’t drink 10 pints of wife-beater and go home with puke on their shoes. You can only meet a doctor when you are sick, or a lawyer when you are in a court. These people don’t socialize and frequently marry a family recommended friend.
    So you are left with the dregs.

Thats my opinion. Based mostly on a 5 minute chat with Erhu.

I must to disagree.
Mainly because I don’t know these people.
I have met #2. I have met 100 of #2 but that it because my chances of meeting #2 are pretty high. He comes up to me in the subway, at a bar, ect.
But the others I don’t know. I hear about them, but I have never seen them. Sometimes I wonder how much of it is urban legend.
(except maybe #3)

Ok, by popular request (both of you), I’ll return the key points. I removed it 'cos I thought it made me look a bit mental, and we all know THAT’S not true. Buttercup spills it again.

  1. Taiwanese guys have bad shoes.
  2. Family orientated isn’t necessarily a good thing for a girl who makes sure she’s never on the same land mass as hers.
  3. I’ve been in Asia for nearly a decade. I haven’t been single much and I gravitate towards people from my own geographical area, and I mean at city level, not country.
  4. I talk a lot and need my language to express myself. I need my own culture in my ‘private’ life. I can speak chinese (kind of) and have friendships with non English speakers but that’s a lot of effort for me for someone I need to feel natural with.
  5. I am only really attracted to people who share a lot of my physical traits. I’m not sure if I put that down to vanity or down to a genetic need to propogate my good traits and ‘breed out’ my bad traits. For example, I pretty much always go out with guys with dark brown hair, pale skin, green eyes, long eyelashes, small mouth, good teeth, small hands, only a couple of inches taller than me. But I also generally go for very thin guys (the asthmatic ones who always catch colds) because that would hopefully get rid of the the tendancy to fatness and early death from heart disease in my family.

I’m not going to go into the psychological/cognitive traits I favour because they mirror mine or make up for my deficiencies. It’s not really very complimentary to anyone who might be reading and I don’t want to further diminish my pool of willing green-eyed Mancs. :stuck_out_tongue:

All of this is fairly subconscious because I don’t want children anyway. But it’s one way of explaining a pattern.

About weird Taiwanese guys; some are really creepy about big tits. Now I’m really not saying this is confined to Asian guys, lots of other guys do it, but a small sector really are incapaple of looking at the face. People don’t touch my hair anymore but they did when it was long, in Thailand. I don’t like people touching my hair… :smiling_imp:

Edit: I also added that Taiwanese guys probably think I’m unapproachable or too fat/ugly, anyway :idunno:

[quote=“Buttercup”] I don’t want to further diminish my pool of willing green-eyed Mancs. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep, sorry love, but I’m blue eyed and taken…

would you take ?

Don’t forget the lingering smell of mothballs thanks to their mummies packing away the winter clothes last year. I’m almost heaving in any crowded and confined spaces on these suddenly cooler days.


I notice the blue eyes straight away, sorry. :slight_smile: And you’re probably from WEST Didsbury or somewhere where they talk funny, anyway. And I just couldn’t go north of Withington for a man unless he owned a curry restaurant.

Oh, in a heartbeat. He’s my dream boy. Hasn’t really aged well though.


Oh, in a heartbeat. He’s my dream boy. Hasn’t really aged well though.[/quote]

What are you talking about?

Charisma and intellect mean that men like him are ‘eligible’ until the day they die. :lick:

Whoa… when I saw your post above, I first noticed the emoticon and then mistakenly read “edible” instead of “eligible”.

I’m glad I re-read your post correctly… :slight_smile:

I have known 6 couples of interracial marriages where the men are Taiwanese/HK and the women are white.

  • Taiwan FOB and Scandinavian (met in US)
  • Taiwan FOB and Polish US (met in US)
  • Taiwan FOB and US (met in US)
  • HK FOB and Irish (met in UK)
  • Taiwan and British (met in Taiwan)
  • Taiwan and Scandinavian (met in Taiwan)

Except for 1 woman who prefers shorter, fitter, smoother, relatively more exortic-looking guy, most other women don’t particularly have any Asian fetish. It is just chemistry and circumstance.