CCP spyware

Guess in the end, it all comes down to choices. These small inconviences of a second phone or changing numbers and writing down contacts wont seem nearly as troublesome as it will in the future if continue on this complacent path of ostrichness :wink:

Believe i am not saying it is convenient. I have changed a lot in my life and lost a lot of business because i have these moral hangups with the CCP. But indont ever think to myself i cant or poor me. It isnt easy and i am not near rich due to it. But i do sleep with an easy mind. After a while we all come around to that kind of mindaet. Small steps are still steps. Saying its too hard is instant failure. Pretty sure no one (except the ccp and their pawns) are denying these things are being used by them to rig the game. So while we still have the choice, i feel we can just not play with them, on an individual level.

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US only

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Interesting. Never even heard of it.

Drop this please

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US only and I can’t even get in the site in Taiwan. My sister’s gunna have a loooonnnggg wait for the money for my parent’s xmas gifts…

Curious about this also.

Not for new account card, Thailand yes but not Taiwan. Maybe they know suspended delivery from UK?

Confirmed that at least in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, NZ, Indonesia, Thailand and Japan you need to provide a passport to get some data running from your phone.


No, but you could use calling software. It’s popular with migrant workers:台灣哈台卡-30天上網吃到飽-p-381.html

Or google taiwan internet only sim card

My guess it’s intended for WiFi devices, but since it’s a SIM card it works in phones. I did something similar in the Philippines. It probably doesn’t need to be registered because there’s no call or text function.

Cowtowing is giving @Dr_Milker a piggy back ride.

Or a dual sim phone if you’re not a brand loyalist.

I don’t know if you’d get anywhere with it, but it would be easy to have your own in-house messaging system and have distributors communicate with you through that. You could initiate a conversation on Wechat and continue it there. It might be too cumbersome for people used to short message apps.

There are also ways of isolating an app from all but certain functions of the phone, like internet. But you’d need a rooted phone with a custom expansion framework like Magisk. That’s only for Android. If you have an iPhone, that was your own mistake.


Some sound points! I havent used any of those services personally so cant really comment.

But i would say that dual card phones (ha e had and used plenty of them) do not get around the issue of being hacked. The only way to not get hacked is not make it availae. If a phine is needed and you put 2 sims in one phone, they are very much linked and it is very much possible to have information leaked. Even if you are careful. The hacking game is cat and mouse. The mistake always made is that the cat never thinks it will become a mouse.

In this sense, a second phone that is clean of your name is the only option i can see. Even then if we activate BT/WIFI im sure there are ways to hack other phones via that. So its obvious to excercise caution. Think of our phones as infected with the ccp virus (that means the newest corona virus) and act accordingly.

Also agree on iphones. The demographic is the same as those that buy mustangs in 2020.

Sure. But it is isnt about you so dont take it personal :slight_smile: it is a far bigger and broader issue than that and it should discussed (and wont be dropped when questions arise).

I get we dont need to talk about your situation, sorry for that. None of our business. But the issue is very important to talk about in public, even as random internet conversations

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But your connection to China and situation is different from mine or others. I lived there for years and have very strong relationship with people there.

You come across as a bit smug. If it is possible for you to not have wechat, then fine, but just leave this conversation alone now as I’m not finding your contribution interesting

DISAGREE! I will always love Mustangs and hate iPhones. iPhones are for people who couldn’t handle a Mustang. That said, I don’t know what the 2020 model is like, but if they’ve turned it into the iPhone of cars I’d be surprised.

Back to phones, security is seldom convenient. If you must use something but think it’s insecure, best to use 2 phones. That way, you have a different IP and MAC address from your usual phone.
You can also install a custom recovery and have two OSs isolated from each other, though you’ll show the same MAC address.

I didn’t know we could kick people out of a conversation when we don’t find them useful. Because, that would be a lot of people on a lot of threads for me. You can just ignore people. I do that a lot. If you don’t like this contribution, you’re welcome to ignore me.

I mean I don’t want to be lectured about taking Wechat off my phone. It’s tedious.

Ok I have decided I am done with WeChat and won’t look into Tiktok. I will keep my Line as I have to use it, and Facebook messenger because I want to.

I avoid WeCheck (and China in general) like the plague. I wouldn’t touch it with a ten-gigaparsec pole.

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Again, I am glad you are in that situation. Everyone is different

Welcome to Forumosa. Just click ignore. It’s easier than removing spyware.

Ya man, really if you dont like the situation free to remove yourself from the conversation. I said sorry for mebtioning you and your game. But really wechat is shit and it is part of a gear that is actively oppressing the planet. You dobt have to like it. I dont either. But the difference is we can opt out and take steps to improve.

We all have people in our circles in China. By now people should realize the hate towards china is hate towards the CCP. This is obvious and mentioned tim and time again. Still, no excuse to enable the next nazi regime…call me what you want, reality is reality and doing nothing is the only thing better than actively helping it.

Not a lecture, just an opinion…welcone to join in or put on your blindfolds, it aint all about you (or me, or any single person here) anyway…