Chen as Hitler doll in parade

If Chen is equated with Hitler (as the KMT began doing back in '04 if not earlier), then the logical next step is assassination–for example, by an angry individual in Tainan. So the KMT can blame their own irresponsible political rhetoric for the shooting, the sympathy vote, and the resulting Chen victory in '04… Nice.

Whatever significance the Chen Shuibian/Hitler effigy was supposed to have was lost on the Era News (Shidai Xinwen) reporter who described it as “an effigy of Chen Shuibian wearing a Communist Party uniform.” :unamused:

LOL! They all look the same to her, I guess!

President Chen is Hitler! Look how foreigners with blonde hair and blue eyes are superior in buxibans!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!

[quote=“Comrade Stalin”][quote=“STOP_Ma”]
For some reason, the mods decided to put my thread (along with the pics) on page 2 of this thread.

I thought the pics deserved a front page, but the mods disagreed apparently.[/quote]

Thanks! :laughing:

Although I posted these here 2 years ago in a different thread, they’re still relevant. The KMT has [i]always[/i] liked swastikas, Nazi trappings, salutes and goosestepping. Here are photos of Chiang Kai-shek’s son Wego. He was in the Nazi 98th Gebirgsjaeger Regiment and served during the Anschluss. Looks pretty spiffy in his uniform, wouldn’t you say?

Notice the swastikas? :laughing:

Gebirgsjaeger are Wehrmacht (regular army). Get your history lessons right :slight_smile:


Some other legislator was waving around photos of Chen Shui-bien and Ghadaffi on TV the other night as well.

It boggles the mind the level of ignorance here and the willful ignorance at that.

I guess the thought process is something like:

CSB no good-uh, Hitler no good-uh, Ghadaffi no good-uh. All same same.

Overpaid buffoons, to the one.