China protests / uprisings - the start of Chinese Revolution 3.0? Effects on Taiwan?

Yeah, it looks obvious in retrospect. But the timing of it all, and the way the World Cup coincided with a wave of frustration in China. It’s like the stars all aligned at the same time.

In other news, this Chinese apparatchik predicts “success” against COVID-19. But he looks pretty worried to me.

I’ve been saying it for years. That’s not retrospect, but thanks for looking down your nose at me.

The World Cup was not the important factor. It could have been the Queen’s death, or the Superbowl, or any world event that normal people want to watch.

“Covid-19” is now a euphemism for real hand to god draconian crowd control on a massive scale. Xi walks on toothpicks. If he half-assed tries to invade Taiwan and gets his assed kicked, look tf out—domestically speaking.

I was told they were theives. And since people saw me as one of them (Uighur), Han Chinese would often cross the street when they saw me coming!


The military has always been in charge in Egypt. Same with Pakistan.

If there’s a civil war, will Taiwan let the loosers in?

Keep the borders tight, yo!


Bloody hell he was struggling at some parts. Never seen that before.

Either he was struggling to go against his own convictions or struggling to formulate a cohesive answer because he hasn’t been given anything useful to say.
Or he wanted to cover his ass in case the shit goes down and it looked like he was stating stuff against his will. Especially the Urumqi part, he knew that was a bag of shit.

As much as I’d like China to have an uprising and become democratic again (I’d be one of the first to renounce my other citizenships and become Chinese again), I think the best outcome we can wish for here is for CCP to give up on zero covid and the stock market to moon. Most Chinese are too passive to do anything that would threaten CCP rule, unless the government actually went bankrupt and failed to pay its police and military for many months.

So how is the press in Taiwan covering these astonishing events?

In the case of die-hard blue UDN, the answer seems to be: with silence.


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A new warlord era maybe?

Important note: the brutal suppression of protests created actionable items the United States could use against China in 1989. For example, Severe Sanctions. After Tiananmen for example, the US stopped all arms sales to China indefinitely.

In the same way, the Biden Administration, if they are smart, should absolutely be working around the clock right now drafting new sanctions and leveraging the hell out of this opportunity to force some changes. Xi Jinping’s regime needs to be put in its place ASAP. It’s an opportunity for the media as well to shine the brightest light on Chinese leadership - time to put the Trump-level Media Circus to good work on the Xi Jinping regime.

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Would anyone believe a word they said?

In a statement, it said it had not received an official explanation or apology from China, “beyond a claim by the officials who later released him that they had arrested him for his own good in case he caught Covid from the crowd”.

You guys jumped to conclusions. They were worried about him.


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US involvement or someone who knows what they are doing. They have a manual on how to overthrow a government, being lazy but you can google “US guide to counter insurgency”.

They have been doing it for decades and interestingly the signature is unmistakable. It needs money, organization, objective goals, forming groups and media influence.

Quite unlike the French protests (yellow vests) where millions congregate and have no idea what they are doing. The color revolutions can be achieved with far fewer participants, like the 2014 coup in Ukraine.

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Tbh while the pro-China outlets’ reason for not reporting the protests is clearly unjustified, I don’t see any reason for Taiwanese media to dig in deep in these protests in China. Treat them like protests in other foreign, third world countries. China doesn’t deserve that much attention.

Counter insurgency refers to how state forces (the police, the military) can smash or try to smash uprisings. :thinking:


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It talks about the tactics of insurgencies and how to counter them. From an organized point of view that there is a goal of overall overthrow of a regime, it’s very tactical.

Unlike most grass roots protests which just have a lot of people protesting, but no idea how to overthrow a government (or even that goal), hence the unmistakable organized well financed slick operation that looks orchestrated, e.g. Ukraine that stand out as being different.

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In case my point was not clear: counter-insurgency guidelines are intended to help stop the overthrow of a regime.
