China providing weapons to Russia may trigger escalation in Taiwan

If you take the opinion that there are no winners in war, then yes…

But objectively, Russia isn’t “winning” quickly enough, which may be the reason China is deciding to step in.

Not just that, but there are lots of things Russia can give China, not just natural resources but also land. If China comes out with support strong enough a deal can be made for some disputed land in the East, or maybe those Islands Japan wants that China would grab just to piss Japan off if for no other use. (and they might actually develop them if they don’t turn it into a military base)

All kinds of deals can be struck and justified after the conflict to Russians as China being a great ally and friend.

This is why Ukraine was a little bit doomed from the start. Russia is a distant third world power, but it’s a world power enough and won’t be defeated without direct intervention by another.

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European countries are already waking up from their previous fantasies about easy money from China. If China supports Russia openly this will he confirmation of the trend.
Doesn’t mean they will do anything without Uncle Sams backing, but support for Taiwan’s situation will grow even more.

I expect rest of the world to largely not give a shit or even cheer on China/Russia. Again that rest of the world should realise this can happen to them too someday.

I’m not convinced China wants Russia to win, but they don’t want them to lose.

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I guess by that “rest of the world” you mean white people and not Arabs in the middle east who have been relentlessly invaded by NATO countries for the last 20+ years.

China invaded a total of zero countries.

North Korea also for that matter, and it’s pretty sad that a country like North Korea is ultimately less of a war monger than Australia is at the behest of the states.

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No why India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,Nepal, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia ,Africa , list goes on and on

Philippines and Australia has already woken up from the fantasy of easy money from China.

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What do you think would happen to them tho exactly?

What did you mean by your statement.

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They will get colonised thru economic/military intervention. In the future China and Russia could also threaten some of them with nuclear war or invasion if they don’t cooperate.

These countries are cheering on an anti West agenda. The problem is these two anti West regimes are just new style colonizers/empire builders/resource grabbers.

China hasn’t invaded countries recently, but it is very possible that will happen in the next 10 to 20 years around South China Sea and Taiwan.

Do you have any idea what America has been doing all this time…

It’s like people are completely ignorant of the West. They attack China for their supposed treatment of Ughers and then ignore the million and counting people killed through the West.

It’s America that stages coups, brainwashed people through their NGOs, installs puppet presidents who will put America’s agenda first, and the list goes on and on an on.

This is the only attitude America has to “spreading freedom and Democracy”


Millions of people killed by ‘the West’ is utter bullshit, in recent history?

The whataboutism is strong.

China and Russia would turn any country they get their hands on into an open air prison. Fuck tankees , a cancer of our democracies.

Where do you live?


No one comes close to the nonsense created by America and the West around the world, so there’s really no one to “whatabout” when it comes to what the West has done. If you actually look into it.

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Oh look another youtube random snippet.

where do you live tankee?

People really shouldn’t need to have these psychopaths blatantly tell you these things, but it certainly makes it easier than going through leaked documents, or listening to hours of whistle blowers, unless that’s your idea of entertainment.

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A good start would be to strip any permanent member of the UN Security Council which has violated the UN Charter by invading another country of its veto power and disqualifying them from ever sitting on the UN Security Council.

The UN Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. It has 15 Members, and each Member has one vote. Under the Charter of the United Nations, all Member States are obligated to comply with Council decisions.

The Security Council takes the lead in determining the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression. It calls upon the parties to a dispute to settle it by peaceful means and recommends methods of adjustment or terms of settlement. In some cases, the Security Council can resort to imposing sanctions or even authorize the use of force to maintain or restore international peace and security.

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If people want the best YouTube snippet to understand the background of the Ukraine conflict I highly recommend this video.

It doesn’t cover everything but gives a very good background, and does relate some things to China to keep it on topic.

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The crazy tankee gets out, meanwhile happily protected by Uncle sam or German leopard tanks. Funny how they don’t move to Russia or China.

This isn’t whataboutism, but there are no “good guys” in this world. All countries have the capacity to be evil and selfish and really only acts for their own interest, nothing more. Just like corporations who destroys an entire ecosystem just existing, not even through malice or hate.

Of course propaganda (which the west has a very effective one) says Russia is always evil, the USA is the beacon of freedom and justice, and is always the good guys. You can see this in almost all movies, TV, game, etc. and the good guys are always American or British, the bad guys are always Russian or Arab. In reality every country has saints and every country has dickheads.

Why does the US support dictators who leads to the death of millions? Because it serves their interest, nothing more. Same reason when Russia does some stupid thing, someone in power wants a dick measuring contest. We humans have declared ourselves to be little more than animals through science, and so we act like animals with a clear conscience.

I don’t think those words mean what you think they mean.

Drones? The Russians have been using Iranian drones, to not much success. The Chinese might want to give their drones some combat testing (unless they have low expectations or performance).

We know they are using Iranian drones, it is highly likely they are using NK ammunition, and despite dropping a lot of explosives and sending a lot if their men to die, they’ve killed more civilians than they have taken villages the past months. Seems to me they need the help more than China needs to give it to them

So.ething I read and posted a few weeks back said NATO/European nations were identifying bottle necks in the supply chain as they tried to ramp up. I posted that it was better for Taiwan to find those early.

Speaking of Taiwan, and the OP, interesting that the same week we hear the US is going to increase military trainers in Taiwan, we hear about China possibly sending arma to Russia. But I dont think it will happen, at this point Xi is getting cheap oil and the west is draining warfighting capacity and it is clear who is boss in the China-Russia relationship. As long as Putin has resources unfielded China has no reason to invite the sanctions.

I’ve seen the odd article about those tanks this past week. And the west still haven’t given longer range weapons that can hit Russia

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Debateable. They are expanding their borders in the Himalayas and SCS, through aggression.


France is the only permanent member of the UN Security Council which hasn’t violated the UN Charter recently.

The UN is just for a lack of a better word a place where politicians can have pissing contests. They have no real power, there’s no UN police or anything that regulates what its member do. Saudi Arabia is on the UN Human Rights Commission and they treat women like cattle.

This about sums up how useful the UN is at keeping world peace:


The image is probably fake but it illustrates how good the UN is. It’s basically 100% propaganda and nothing more.