China to bar people with bad 'social credit' from planes, trains

I watched an episode of Black Mirror last night which was this exactly, except in America. And was based on a five star rating system. It was mental.


It’s reality

While I was watching it I was also stressing as to why my latest IG post wasn’t getting any love. I did not get the irony. I am beyond redemption. :hole:

:warning: DOUBLE DAMAGE :warning:

Luckily and fortunately hkgov will not implement a credit system in Hk in news yesterday.

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I was just thinking about how it could possibly propagate to HK, good to hear.

Yet it also says it will extend to Taiwan as well. YAY! We all have 0!

It’s beyond comprehension how the CCP believe that they can possibly rule the planet with authoritarianism and totalitarianism. Their infiltration with the United Front is a waste of time and resources socially, culturally, religiously, linguistically, intellectually, economically, financially, politically, etc etc.

I wonder how much his score will take a hit


Did Uncle Xi lie to us? O_O

Do they all lose points if it was truly a publicity stunt?

I feel like people will bribe their way to a good score there.


Wonder what that would entail. Also, what it could mean for the system overall if people could get away with it.


I bemuse at this simple fact that CCP is trying to reform their penal system with social credit scores. That’s backward in my logic!

The foundation of a civil society is principally and predominantly no other than education! I can’t blame them as we all know the level of their education before and after 1949.

I guess they already have a system for this. You can donate money to increase your score from what I heard.

In China you can buy anything with money!

Throwing coins in plane engines before boarding and opening emergency exits for fresh air before takeoff trump spitting on expensive carpet and blowing your nose with high class tablecloth.

Oh one more! Choosing one’s seat on a train with subjectivity only.

Why don’t they just simply sit on the rooftop of the train?!?!?!?

That’ll be a wild ride!!!

Oh I thought you were kidding.

Yeah that’s pretty wild if true. Guess the economy isn’t gonna fuel itself.

At the end it says it was likely staged. Good video though , it almost had me if they didn’t say at the end it was fake

I just read mainland Chinese are throwing rocks at kangaroos, and you guess it, pandas too in zoos in China.

Of all animals, the most beloved treasure of China!