China Uncensored's Alleged FLG links and other Falun Gong Media

The one good thing about the FLG is that they are good at sewing seeds of disinformation in China. When the crisis was ranging last year, lots of the extreme videos going around were fabricated by the FLG and actors, causing mass panic and rumors in China.

There was one in particular of a female doctor in Hazmat suit complaining that things were out of control and about to collapse, which was found to be completely fabricated.

I kind of respect them as agents of chaos in China.


Could you expand on that?

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They’re so ham-handed though, I don’t think they accomplish anything.


Agreed. I feel like FLG unfortunately straw-mans the legitimacy of the anti-CCP narrative. Their leader thinks he and his followers can walk through walls and levitate in the air… Red flags much?

The government barely has to do anything to convince people that perhaps FLG is flawed at its ideological core when they realize all the lunacy FLG believes. “If there is a screw loose in this aspect, how many other screws are loose…” is quite probably the thought process of many people on the fence.


Really quite a dilettante on this matter, but I do suspect that FLG had a pretty heavy hand in the funding of “Edge of Wonder” - think InfoWars targeted to the whole family. They really gave QAnon some great PR. (Now banned from Youtube I believe).

An article I dug up linking it all:

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The Epoch Times is one of Trump’s favorite news sources and the FLG see Trump as the new messiah sent to destroy the CCP. They spent millions on pushing QAnon conspiracies in the US

Also true, any negative news about the CCP that gets out in China, they government just gets away with blaming the Falun Gong. Its the Boy Who Shouts Wolf problem, they spout so much BS that now nobody believes anything they say, although sometimes they are right.

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I know.

Just wondering if there were any specifics about this. Do you mean just by producing coverage, or by funding in some more direct way?

From the NBC article

One such show is “Edge of Wonder,” a verified YouTube channel that releases new NTD-produced videos twice every week and now has more than 33 million views. In addition to claims that alien abductions are real and the drug epidemic was engineered by the “deep state,” the channel pushes the QAnon conspiracy theory, which falsely posits that the same “Spygate” cabal is a front for a global pedophile ring being taken down by Trump.

One QAnon video, titled “#QANON - 7 facts the MEDIA (MSM) Won’t Admit” has almost 1 million views on YouTube. Other videos in the channel’s QAnon playlist, which include videos about 9/11 conspiracy theories and one titled “13 BLOODLINES & their Diabolical End Game,” gained hundreds of thousands of views each.

Travis View, a researcher and podcaster who studies the QAnon movement, said The Epoch Times has sanitized the conspiracy theory by pushing Spygate, which drops the wildest and more prurient details of QAnon while retaining its conspiratorial elements.

“QAnon is highly stigmatized among people trying to push the Spygate message. They know how toxic QAnon is,” View said. “Spygate leaves out the spiritual elements, the child sex trafficking, but it’s certainly integral to the QAnon narrative.”

Gregory denied any connection with “Edge of Wonder,” writing in a statement that his organization was “aware of the entertainment show,” but “is in no way connected with it.”

But The Epoch Times has itself published several credulous reports on QAnon and for years, the webseries hosts Rob Counts and Benjamin Chasteen were employed as the company’s creative director and chief photo editor, respectively. In August 2018, six months after the creation of “Edge of Wonder,” Counts tweeted that he still worked for Epoch Times. Counts and Chasteen did not respond to an email seeking clarification on their roles.

Meanwhile The Epoch Times has promoted “Edge of Wonder” content in dozens of Facebook posts, still visible on its official Facebook page. That page is currently topped with a pinned ad for its Trump coverage that reads, “Where can you get real news that doesn’t push any hidden agendas?

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They are having lines for covid testing in Beijing. I have friends who have said that if you are fortunate, you can have them through your company or community; otherwise, you’re waiting in the cold, for hours, alongside thousands of other people.

No idea what religion the people who wrote the following are from.

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I dont know if that is a slight or you are unaware of FLG coverage on China. I just dont recognize them as a reliable source.

I am well aware of Jennifer Zeng and who she is, have a look through he Twitter feed and decide how much you would trust someone still talking about Sidney Powell dropping the Kraken as a reliable source on any kind of important issue.

How about Guo Wengui? Do you like him? If you enjoy Falun Gong media, you are going to love his stuff. He also does a podcast with Steve Bannon

One what annoyed me was the Professor Ming Ju Zheng, the NTU guy who also leads the Sinoinsider Think Tank. He is often on Taiwanese shows and has the best analysis and insight on the CCP, basically in the world.

I knew also had FLG background but didnt take it seriously as he is a respected academic. However last few months, unfollowed all his stuff as he went way off the deep-end


I was wondering about something similar a couple of months ago - I remember seeing a fair few videos back at the start of last year showing people supposedly collapsing in the street due to the virus. I remember those videos seeming implausible at the time and they seem to have all but disappeared since the virus became “popular” in the west.


A lot of it was Falun Gong bullshit, sent to create panic. In many ways January/Feb last year was their Golden Period.

And yeah, totally preposterous considering what we know about the virus now.


My :2cents:

Earlier on, I found China Uncensored and Ben Hedges’s A Laowei’s View of China to be pretty similar. China Uncensored was more overtly political. Ben Hedges also did a lot of travel, and entertainment content on A Laowei’s View of China.

However, as 2020 election drew close, it was really obvious that Ben Hedges and A Laowei’s View of China is working for FLG. Ben began spreading pro-Trump conspiracies and completely embraced the FLG and Guo Wengui talking points.

In comparison, Chris Chappell and China Uncensored stayed focused on talking about China. So I don’t think China Uncensored is produced by the FLG. If it was, I think it would have probably sounded just like Ben Hedges last year.

I am not entirely against FLG. However, I don’t think they need to spread fake news to achieve their goal. Just telling the truth about China should do the trick.

When Mike Chen was interviewed by China Uncensored, he said FLG is treated differently compared to other oppressed religious groups. Like as soon as FLG is mentioned, the piece is written off immediately. I do think some of it is Chinese propaganda in play. Although they might not be doing themselves favors, especially during the last election cycle.


Was just wondering, how much of the “news” that eventually ended up written down in the Bible was actually accurately fact-checked hard news. :thinking:


My analysis is that a lot of the Falun Gong are pretty fucked up, as are a lot of people who grew up in China at that time and under that system. Especially those who were persecuted in China and also those who grew up in the Cultural Revolution. I heard that FLG attracts a lot of mainland migrants in the US who want somewhere to complain about the party.

Growing up in that system they have poor critical thinking skills and low levels of social trust, plus a million more neuroses. 1+1 = 2 unless the party wants it to be 3.

Falun Gong Media is kind of a product of that, reflection of a messed up Chinese system

I would say it’s more likely than not that CU is funded by FLG at some level. They definitely used to fund it

There is much better china analysis out there though, not sure why anyone would want to listen to it.

Recently I really enjoy 老雷 on YouTube德国自干五

God checked it.

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