China's genocide of Uighurs and news suppression


The forbidden cloud.


The West used to say “we did not know”. Now they do and it is “that is their problem, cannot interfere with their issues”. Next it will be “they deserved it”. Then it will be too late.

And that folks is how a genocide/holocaust happens again and again…

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25 min
Available from 03/06/2019 to 10/04/2022

Leaked footage of torture chambers in Uighur concentration camps.


Many torture equipment from a supposedly bygone era can be seen in the video. Including a wood donkey, a tool used to torture women, and standing cages.



Upwards of 3 millions? Weren’t they 1 million?

According to wikipedia, 11,303,355. So the Chinese could probably go through all of them in another 5 years.

That’s what they do to their own citizens.:expressionless:

I can not tolerate the uniformity and conformity!

It’s not just Uighurs, there is no freedom of religion in China. All religions are basically oppressed by them.

400 documents leaked showing involvement from the top and orders what lies to tell.


The China Cables


Pretty disgusting.

I will give you an example. There was an old woman in the camp who had been a shepherd before she was arrested. She was taken to the camp because she was accused of speaking with someone from abroad by phone. This was a woman who not only did not have a phone, she didn’t even know how to use one. On the page of sins the inmates were forced to fill out, she wrote that the call she had been accused of making never took place. In response she was immediately punished. I saw her when she returned. She was covered with blood, she had no fingernails and her skin was flayed.”

My understanding about religion in China is that is allowed but must be state sanctioned. So it’s controlled with heavy oversight.



Because they themselves are among the most repressive regimes in the world. Given the choice of voicing concern for fellow Muslims or backing a countries right to behave abhorrently. You bet they will choose the latter.


They sit on the UN human rights council just like China lol. US was right to leave that BS.

You don’t say. (sarcasm) It all boils down to money. My understanding is that that area is mineral and oil rich. And I wonder that they stand to benefit from Xi’s 一帶一路?


Thank you, I clearly need the flashcards (not sarcastic).

Most things do, even they don’t look like they do initially. Power and money.

I’m not sure that ties in, except an affirmation that whoever runs a country can do whatever they like and everyone else should mind their own damn business, especially as it relates to them.

I remember Saudi Arabia’s reaction to Jamal Khashoggi. “Hey guys, a Saudi embassy is Saudi soil we kill and chop up people all the time whats the big deal?”

This is a case, IMO of repressive regimes giving a wink and a nod to China saying your borders your rules, don’t forget to extend to us the same courtesy.