Christianity chatter

Also, the gospels were composed at a time when Judaism and Christianity were forming separate group identities in (sometims vehement) opposition to one another. Jesus’s diatribes against “the Jews” or “the Pharisees” should be read in this context, and are anachronistic for someone living before AD 70.

Eh, that’s a reach.

Sure you haven’t got cause and effect reversed?

At least you’re not trying to blame him for the Crucifixion.

Wait… are you? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ok, I think I need to go biblical now. I try not to but I think people are not getting why Jesus came when the scriptures were clear. Whether you believe that Jesus was the son of god and the scriptures are the word of God is another thing. But the scriptures are clear.

Jesus did not come for moral and ethical teachings…he did not. As you mentioned and others mentioned, Jesus ripped those who did good works and know all the laws of moses but did not know God.

Matthew 23- (13-14) “You Pharisees and teachers of the Law of Moses are in for trouble! You’re nothing but show-offs. You lock people out of the kingdom of heaven. You won’t go in yourselves, and you keep others from going in.”

In fact the Scriptures repeatedly say man is fallen and sinful by nature, and that good works do not guarantee salvation.

Ephesians 2:8-9
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

The only way for salvation is through faith in Jesus in the scriptures. Not good morals and good works.

[John 14:6] “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Jesus came to testify to the truth

John 18:37
“You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

And that truth is that he is the son of God, the King of Kings

1 John 5:20 “We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true–even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life”

Matt. 11:27
“All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.”

And he came to preach to good news

Luke 4:43
"But he said, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.”

To save us and bring salvation

1 Timothy 1:15
“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”

He really didn’t focus moral laws, because the message was you guys are sinful and can’t be righteous on your own, therefore I came to take on your sin so you can be saved. Not hey be good and you can go to heaven.

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That’s one thing that makes it so unbelievable. Why would one with good thoughts, words, and deeds be denied heaven if he or she were ignorant of Jesus or of religion entirely? IMO that makes it crystal clear that it is all about social control/change.

Original sin

What is your view on purgatory? @Andrew0409

Then the reparations supporters must love god.

This shit is just so unbelievable.

Religion started as attempts to explain the natural world and evolved into a tool for social control/change.

It’s blatantly obvious to the scientifically minded.

I don’t agree. More like to explain the human condition imo.

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I don’t believe in purgatory, at least the way the catholic doctrine explains it.

Perhaps I will give you a better answer later. It’s not a easy subject to talk about.

Ok that’s great. Thanks

What is your scientific background ?

My go to for questions is CS Lewis. I would point you there, he does believe in purgatory, but not quite like the catholic understanding.

CS Lewis is great at explaining complicated concepts. He is my favorite theologian and apologist.

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chemistry and physics

I’m Methodist by upbringing, but now just consider myself a Christian. I had heard of brief mentions of purgatory from catholic friends but was not taught it. I will look into CS Lewis.

To what level, high school, university , grad school?

Perhaps it would interest you to know if you didn’t already. Philosophy and theology were considered the gold mine of science. Newton called his book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica where he explains the laws of motion.

Many Scientists of the past believed that truth can be known because there is order in the universe and nature is gods creation. To understand it, is to understand god.

Many people would say this is one of the major contributors of the west advancing in science more than other places. It made science have to be uniformed under a rational creator. And not random theories that don’t correlate with each other. They had to be uniformed with “god”. This obviously was also a bad thing in some cases.

MSc Chem, but what does that have to do with anything? An elementary student looking at religion scientifically would reach the same conclusion.

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Obviously wasn’t true as some of the greatest scientific minds believe in god in one form or another.

And it’s not really a good criticism bringing all religions into one umbrella.

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