Coming soon to Taiwan? Rise of xenophobia towards Westerners

Wasn’t… er… much “stronger language” used against gay people? Not that it excuses the cat cafe idiot, but that’s mostly a strict order of exclusion, while the stuff coming from the gym was bordering on hate speech.

Well, that’s a tricky one. I would argue that with the exception of Bowie in his Thin White Duke period nobody is of no color. However, some people are definitely of color - or do you disagree? To what extent identity plays a role is significant.

Apologies mean nothing…It is like punching someone in the face and saying sorry. It is better to punch them back harder and say apology accepted. :stuck_out_tongue:


Guys, if I didn’t apologize to my wife once in a while I’d be divorced by now.


Agreed. But one on one like a man.


This is a piss take or what?


No, mostly it’s a pejorative applied to black people.

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Can anyone define what “hate speech” is?

It may help keep things simple if whatever definition you dream up isn’t contained in the Koran, the Bible, Nation of Islam shtick, etc.

How about

to wilfully promote hatred against any identifiable group, by making statements (other than in private conversation).

for a start?


shut up… :slight_smile: you make me miss taipei/taiwan . love that mrt. Never was on a single car that didnt have at least one hottie.

Did have a classmate punch me once, for no real good reason. I told him he used up his ONE punch i allow and not to do it again…he didnt

Had a couple of 15-year-old boys use it, deliberately with the ‘er’ ending, to see if they could get a rise out of me. I just told them to use it on the next black guy they saw- they’d probably just get shitkicked in Taiwan; anywhere in the western world they’d get at least that and the jury would have jail waiting when they got out of hospital.

Some restaurants still refuse to change policy and apologize…

Well, it seems like they’re getting a pummeling on Facebook, and it’s mostly from Taiwanese people. :+1:


I would not say the restaurant bans are racist. Would they refuse mainlanders or Japanese too? I would hedge a bet they would.

No, they wouldn’t. If you were Asian-looking, they’d let you through.

I had an altercation at a hospital a while back. I went in for some eye maintenance, and was shoved into the foreigner inspection queue. My wife had to join the other one.

Me: Why am I here and my wife is there?
Them: Because you’re a foreigner.
Me: How do you know that my wife isn’t a foreigner? She could be Chinese, American or Italian. And that crowd is kinda risky, are they not?
Them: smiling We offer special treatment for foreigners, so they don’t have to stand in line!
Me: But my wife could be a FOREIGNER!
Them: OK. She can come here.
Me: That’s not the point!

Wife comes over.

Wife: How do you know that I’m not a foreigner?
Them: Because you look Taiwanese.
Wife: I’m actually from Hong Kong.
Them:" …" suddenly forgetting that they can speak English.



You racist bastard.



Ha, you obviously have not travelled south of Sanchong. These guys in Kaohsiung wouldn’t hesitate for a minute:


And this is presumably a ‘good’ thing?

Meanwhile the word is ubiquitous in ‘music’.

It’s a curious world.

Proof that you can’t fix stupid. Anywhere in the world.