Coming soon to Taiwan? Rise of xenophobia towards Westerners

So, it is offensive. Thought it might be.

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: From xenophobia


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Have to assume they’ve had Google delete ratings and reviews. Facebook apparently did it automatically for them…


They now have 5.1 out of 5 :thinking:



That sounds too good to be true!

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Anyone wanna tweet this information at facebook? There’s no reason for negative reviews to be automatically deleted, especially if they are coming from active accounts/not bots

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It seems to be perfectly in line with the experience – they have a racist policy against foreigners, which makes any review about the experience perfectly related.

They posted a sign saying foreigners are subject to additional scrutiny. Saying that on a review is not manipulating the place’s ratings. It’s not fake content. And I can’t speak for the multiple times and from multiple accounts, but everything else is perfectly in line with their rules.


“When questioned by Taiwan News, the woman claimed the temple was following “government regulations” in banning foreigners.”


She responded that, “Everyone is going through a difficult time” and that it is up to “God” to decide when the outbreak will end and thus make it safe for them to allow foreign guests.

Not sure whether to laugh, cry, or write Taiwan News to explain how quotes work.


I assume by “God” she means Chen Shih-chung?

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Well like all other societies’ crazy laws, they probably can do this out of “religious belief” protections, blah blah.

So furrieners aren’t children of God?

So charitable, of them.

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I don’t know about FB, but I’ve tried multiple times to get an oddly positive but insulting comment for a place I manage the Google My Business profile for. They won’t remove it. I’m guessing these businesses are having friends flag the reviews so Google will take them down.
That comment about FB taking down reviews is likely BS, unless the reviews were left by one or a few people creating multiple accounts and/or leaving the same or similar reviews.

Also, Google traces people and can see if an account using tracking has been at the location.

And many people don’t use their real names on both Google and FB for criticisms to avoid libel/public insult charges.


Not sure if there was anything else to this story but I remember hearing about this for a while when I first came to Taiwan.

"The Taichung branch of Taiwan High Court on Tuesday sentenced a blogger who wrote that a restaurant’s beef noodles were too salty to 30 days in detention, suspended for two years, and ordered her to pay NT$200,000 in compensation to the restaurant. "

So fake names are probably a pretty good idea just so you don’t get the owner trying to get back at you…


I remember that case, issue was she said they were too salty (and a few other things) rather than saying in her opinion or to her taste they were too salty…

Whilst the shaky baky lads seem to have changed their policy, these two are still reporting to be hassling foreigners.


I opened up a Google account with a fake name for review purposes as well as spam emails. If the owner wanted too I guess they could sue for Google to release your IP address and trace it that way.

I keep my reviews on point and make it clear that it was my opinion… eg. Noodles too salty would be… on this occasion that I visited, I noticed the noodles were too salty. Perhaps they were different on a different day. Or on that one occasion I visited the bathroom was filthy. Making clear it’s my subjective opinion. Will that work legally? I’m unsure

There used to be a store in Taipei called (nword King). But it was a hip hop fashion store and the owners were trying to be hip. and whiffed badly. It might still be there even. It’s near Taipei main station (or was until a few years ago at least).

The translation from 黑人王 and street apparel suggest to me they werent trying to be xenophobic or racist but made a horribly wrong choice of names and should have asked around first.

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