Congrats Tigerman on 10,000 maniac posts

Do I need to bring out the dictionary?

intercourse - n. - The exchange of ideas by writing…

What else could I have possibly meant?

Tsk, tsk… :sunglasses:

Do I need to bring out the dictionary?

intercourse - n. - The exchange of ideas by writing…

What else could I have possibly meant?

Tsk, tsk… :sunglasses:[/quote]
Phew! For a moment there I thought I was the only one who hadn’t had a dose of the Tigerman … I feel much less left-out now.

Should we use some kind of protection if we’re all having intercourse with each other so often?

Should we screen newbies more carefuly? :astonished:

[quote=“The Spondificatious Tigerman”]intercourse - n. - The exchange of ideas by writing…[/quote]“ideas” eh ? and “writing” ? :astonished:
All this new slang…

Rectify: Is that short for a terrified rectum?

Congrats TigerMan, but why have you joined Seti?