Congratulations, Josefus

Don’t we have a thread about a pussy on a calendar with its owner???

He referred to my son as ‘THAT’ (thrice but who’s counting?) so in this case WHAT seems perfect!

I have no idea what this says, but I guess it’s some kind of update.

[quote]大叔體貼 捧在手心

今年三十一歲的趙小僑,二○○四年出道曾被經紀公司打造為「七朵花」的其中一員,卻沒有受到外界太多的注意。演藝事業一直沒有突破的趙小僑,男人緣卻相當不錯,過去除了有交往多年的賣家具男友Jacky陪逛街及接送外,又曾被本刊拍到她跟外籍英文家教帥哥Andrew 漫步街頭。

[quote=“Josefus”]I have no idea what this says, but I guess it’s some kind of update.

My translation could be a bit off, bit it seems as if it says: In 2009 Zhao Xiao-Qiao was living with her boyfriend Jacky (intimately/as in a relationship), Jacky often drove her red car to pick her up and drop her off (pictured on the right). In May last year, Zhao Xiao-Qiao already had a boyfriend (Jacky), but she still walked around intimately with a foreign English private tutor called Andrew, Jacky was hopping mad/furious (pictured below).

That’s a direct translation (to the best of my poor abilities) per comma part of each sentence. I would then write it as follows:
In 2009 Zhao Xiao-Qiao was living with her boyfriend Jacky, who would often drive her around in her red car. In May last year, even though she already had a boyfriend (Jacky), she still walked around intimately with a private foreign English teacher called Andrew, which made Jacky furious.

Edit: As for the rest, it’s about her “affair” with a bloke called Liu Liang-Zuo, his divorce and his kid and their relationship regarding that etc etc…
Then, the next paragraph goes on about her life in general and her relationship with Jacky and Liu Liang-Zuo, but then they mention the walk with her “Handsome English tutor, Andrew”. Which I think they just threw in there again because “it’s a juicy bit of info” along with her jilting of Jacky and her “passionate affair” with the Liu fellow. Also, no one really seems willing to comment on any of these relationships, and the Liu fellow seems keen to fall in love again and maybe even have a second kid before he turns 45. As for her, she reckons that apart from her fashionable appearance she’s really just a simple stay at home kind of girl that appreciates the simple things in life…
Just gossip, basically. Something to keep the masses entertained over their 85C coffees etc.

[quote=“Josefus”][quote]大叔體貼 捧在手心

今年三十一歲的趙小僑,二○○四年出道曾被經紀公司打造為「七朵花」的其中一員,卻沒有受到外界太多的注意。演藝事業一直沒有突破的趙小僑,男人緣卻相當不錯,過去除了有交往多年的賣家具男友Jacky陪逛街及接送外,又曾被本刊拍到她跟外籍英文家教帥哥Andrew 漫步街頭。

I think it says a bunch of bs about your relationship that even you’re not aware. Given that you’re obviously not talking much with this bird, I can only conclude that it’s one of those dispirited, loveless marriages. So, why didn’t I get an invite? hmmm???

I thought this was going to be about him paying full price for something and not complaining about having to.

Now THAT would be news!

You’ve been displaced in her affections by Renzo, the balding 44-year-old divorced daddy pictured here. Perhaps she’s into hats, and he possesses a bigger collection?

Nah, it ain’t the hats, he got that Big old TV Head.
The chicks cannot resist the Big TV Head.