Congratulations, Josefus

I’ve got the hard copy. I’ll try to unstick the pages and make a proper scan later tonight…

Just shows that no matter how funny you look, if you’re a foreigner in Taiwan you can still score the hot babes.

Ain’t THAT the truth. :blush:

And Maoman, trying steaming the pages.
They’ll peel easier.

And no matter how cold the hot babes are in off shoulder outfits and the cool dudes :sunglasses: are in hat and jackets. Talk about body heat!!!

You look great in the first pic Josefus :thumbsup: contained glee and all that :slight_smile:

It’s all went downhill from there.
By the 2nd and and 3rd pic you can see she bamboozled me for my hoodie.

It’s all went downhill from there.
By the 2nd and and 3rd pic you can see she bamboozled me for my hoodie.[/quote]
So you’re a model now?? WOW!

The picture you took of her and posted in Facebook is way hotter* -The photo that Funk500 and I commented on.

*Probably because you’re not in it… :wink:

Oh, you mean this one?


Nice looking lady Josefus! :notworthy:

He is Androw now!

How come Maoman’s threads never get temped?

My threads have intrigue, relevance, and hotties. Why would you want to temp a winning combination like that?

WAIT JUST A SECOND! Hold the phone, wait a tick. Josefus isn’t this gorgeous girl’s romantic interest at all. The paparazzi have it all wrong. Josefus is simply her English tutor and is selling his English skills in helping her pass the TOEIC!

After another…ahem…closer inspection…ahem…cough…cough… you can see the evidence clearly in the picture below!

“I’m an expert in TOEIC! Stick with me baby and you’ll ace that exam!”

My threads have intrigue, relevance, and hotties. Why would you want to temp a winning combination like that?[/quote] :laughing: Yeah. Why? :laughing:

My threads have intrigue, relevance, and hotties. Why would you want to temp a winning combination like that?[/quote] :laughing: Yeah. Why? :laughing:[/quote]
A rat and a kiss-ass? Urgh, Rob!

WHY is this guy a moderator? WHY? :ponder: I hereby motion for his immediate dismissal. Tar and feathers! :raspberry:

Well, according to first hand info, there may be a segue in the works. Go, J! :notworthy:

Oh, you mean this one?
[/quote] Jesus Jumpin Jehosaphat, Josephus, I think a testicle just give out here. :eh:

You dog!

Oh Northcoast Surfer, you’ve found me out!
I’m no romancer. :blush:
I’m ANDROW, tutor to the stars.

And as for that, photocopy idea, I didn’t do it.
I took the whole magazine!
I posted myself up by the bar and had that thing under my arm, and I had girls asking to look at it the entire night.
No word of a life.
It worked really, REALLY well.
I think I can get another week out of it! :laughing: