Corn Flour for Tortillas

I would like to make tortillas using corn flour.

Sometimes Carrefour has Pan.

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Can you explain? What’s that?

It’s a brand of corn flour.

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Thanks! Are there any other places that sell this?

I’ve only seen it in the Tienmu Carrefour (haven’t looked in others)

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In Taiwan they are called 棒子麵

I find some on ruten or shopee but they’re all taobao or AliExpress shills.

I don’t know who actually has it in Taiwan. They’re not something used here it seems.


City Super has them, so does Mia Cebon (Jasons).


Aren’t these supermarkets quite pricey?

They can be.
City Super had them on sale yesterday. 165NT a pack.


Yea because they’re not used in Chinese cuisine. So no market for the stuff. I think they might be used by food factories for making corn chips and such.

So unfortunately the only option is paying inflated prices at Jason’s, finding out where Doritos buy their corn meal, or take your chance with AliExpress…

Certainly not worth buying corn flour from Amazon

What about Shin Kong Mitsukoshi’s supermarket?

What about Shin Kong Mitsukoshi’s supermarket?

I suspect you’re just guessing here, but Shopee seems to have it:

I vaguely remember seeing it in the baking supply store I posted in your other thread, and possibly one of the larger Carrefours, but I’m not 100% sure because I’ve never looked for it.

What about Shin Kong Mitsukoshi’s supermarket?

I don’t know, I’ve never been there. No need to ask three times though lol.

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Please pay attention the character sets on the pictures… Look familiar? Because they don’t have the item. You order, then they order from taobao, and you wait 2 weeks for it at a 300 percent markup.

In fact when someone sells corn meal and all other items they sell are toys, furniture, or electronics, this is a red flag. They are not real sellers.

80 percent of items on ruten or shopee are these guys.

Also china is full of fakes. I’ve ordered a bunch of powdered eggs from taobao that do not behave like powdered eggs at all. I saved some so I can figure out what the freak these things are.


Please just… pay attention. You’re guessing (/making stuff up), like usual. Are you making a lot of tortillas, TL?

Some sellers on Shopee do this, most don’t in my experience.

Which sellers are you talking about? Have you actually checked? There are products listed on Shopee from Bob’s Red Mill (a U.S. brand) and Dr. Oko (seems to be a local brand, not sure, with Italy listed as the country of origin), from local sellers dealing exclusively in foods/imported foods/bakery products. I’ve ordered from some of these before with absolutely no issues, with shipping from Taiwan. Obviously someone probably wouldn’t order from a store selling mostly children’s toys and one or two food items.

Do you have a source for this number? Because I suspect it’s BS.

Yeah… and you’re the only one talking about importing foods from China, so what on earth are you on about? If somebody orders powdered eggs from bloody Taobao, it’s their own fault if they get fake eggs as far as I’m concerned. Who would do that? I certainly wouldn’t.