Coronavirus - America

Kind of sad that this has turned into a hate on America thread. Almost like people want bad things to happen to others.


Thoughts and prayers.

I saw one report saying 200,000 tests per day are happening now. I would like to see this in the stats that show how many have the virus.

The reason many are reveling in misery and fear mongering is because they think it will finally achieve the ultimate goal of getting Trump out of office. It’s like the idiots who want the economy to tank just to get rid of Trump…they don’t care about increased suicide, domestic violence, crime deaths, etc, their political goal is worth the human sacrifice.


just go ahead and say you hate America. at least be honest instead of condescending.

Largely semantics. Trump is mostly doing it by asking nicely, not forcing through federal power.

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Ha, he said that (didn’t look at the video)? Biden, you idiot.

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He’s said it at least a dozen times, including in national debates. He continued saying it a bunch even after some in the news were making fun of him for it.

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It will not be easy but things will get back to normal. Americans are a diverse and strong group.
Just need to take care of people and our health.


I think I should take @SuiGeneris’ lead and sign off from Forumosa for awhile. There is nothing helpful for me here now. Goodbye.


It’s indeed sad to watch this thread devolve into an ugly anti-American feeding frenzy. Not surprising though. When I saw the title of the thread, I knew it was coming.


She doesn’t have it. They wouldn’t put you in the Wuhan virus ward unless you did. How testing is done is up to the state and local level, or even up to the doctor treating her. CDC only gives suggested guide lines. They obviously did not think she had it.

Hey, look! An awful person justifying their awful behavior through a HuffPo editorial! The more things change, the more they stay the same!

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Does anybody have the super-power to understand Japanese and Chinese?
My wife got this in her teacher’s LINE group, Something about Japan blaming the U.S. for the virus?

It’s not blaming America for the virus. It’s criticizing America’s slow, muddled response, pointing out they ignored CDC warnings, compared it to the flu in irresponsible ways and calls attention to how fucked up it is that people don’t go to the doctor because they can’t afford it, and that is causing spread of the illness.


Thanks a lot. Always good to be able to tell my wife to ignore the morons with good reasons.

Which morons?

The ones not me.

true, even some Americans on this forum are acting in such a manner

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