Coronavirus - China

Wait at the McDonald’s in the food court of Taipei 101 tomorrow between 2 and 5 pm. A man wearing a red hat will order a Spicy Chicken Filet burger with extra sauce. Follow him to the bathroom in the Xiangshan MRT so that he can extract the objective information on China that you possess.

The CIA thanks you in advance for your service to Murica.

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I think you were trying to construct a joke of some sort. In general people don’t know anything about China , and not just at governmental level but business etc. Chinese infiltration is everywhere and they are developing so fast. China’s rise is inevitable , it’s how we reform and deal with. Knowing where we are strong or weak

They are eating our lunch and everyone just like “huh huh Winnie the Pooh huh Huh”.

I mean this is kind of a separate issue , but Western reporting on China is really poor (doesn’t help that they kick out all our journalist).

We have freedom of speech but there is only really a market for news that confirms people’s biases.

In general, American people know jack shit about China. And in general, Chinese people know jack shit about the US.

Within the government and intelligence communities, it’s a different story.

As for the Chinese “eating our lunch”, lots of powerful people have been selling their countries out to China for $$$ for decades. Just look at the son of the incoming president of the US. We’re not dealing with a deficit of intelligence but rather integrity.

Nah, not really. The reason China’s company and government is so good at infiltrating our societies, distorting our media , stealing our tech, is that they understand us. How many Chinese study at top universities in the US and how many vice-versa.

We have all been asleep at the wheel. In lots of area of tech , the momentum is with China right now.

This is also true. Recommend Clive Hamilton’s recent book on the topic to see the extent of how fucked things have got


The Chinese study in the US for a variety of reasons, such as the fact that the universities in the US are objectionally superior. They are able to do so because the US is an open society.

Americans don’t study at Chinese universities because the vast vast majority have no interest in living in a shithole dystopia with inferior universities.


Sure , but Chinese are very integrated into US life and also a lot of their top tier leaders studied in the West. Our internet is open, theirs is closed. Chinese watch US movies and TV, Americans dont. Many Chinese speak English and very few Americans speak Chinese.etc etc

It’s not like the Soviets , where you had two impenetrable worlds. China has been in a cold war for decades and now only a few in the West are waking up.

Additionally, one thing the CCP is good at in general is reform. Their system is set up to coldly assess deficiencies and mistakes and reform/make changes. They have made huge Chernobylesque mistakes like trillions infrastructure loans that went missing after 2008, but they were able to mobilize, restructure and move on.

US is not very good at this or assessing it’s deficiencies. Look how uncomfortable and defensive people get at the suggestion that China might be competent at anything.

This Winnie the Pooh huh huh, Falun Gong , evil dystopia shit just helps the CCP. They have memes where they laugh at foreigners just getting China completely factually wrong. Reasonable, educated and open minded Chinese are getting less and less open to valid criticism because there is so much nonsense and fake news.

Sure, but those doing intelligence work in China should be attending Chinese universities, for no other reason than to understand Chinese society.

But even in open and democratic Taiwan I see a lack of willingness on the part of Americans to understand Chinese society. We may say we are from Taiwan but remember this regime in Taiwan was China back in the day and the thinking of Chaing Kai Shek and Mao Zedong wasn’t really that different (and in those dark periods both Taiwan and China were equally authoritarian). There are lots of similarities between how Taiwanese and Chinese thinks on a cultural level.

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Like Mike Tyson said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Despite China’s indisputable rise, I don’t think China is going to like when the kiddie gloves come off and it gets punched in the mouth.

It’s coming. Of course, everyone is going to lose more than they win.

The world is changing.

Yeah? I mean I think that if democracies reform, get better and realize where we have gone wrong, there is a way.

But the era of American exceptionalism is over. China is way more advanced than Soviet Union. If US carries on as the bully hegemon, then there is no way that can build the necessary alliances.

Right now if I’m looking at the situation objectively:China has basically economically recovered and has a hold on the virus and the US is falling apart at the seams. Not sure if you noticed, a bunch of armed MAGA’s just stormed the Capitol building.

As Sun Tzu said : Know yourself and know your enemy and you won’t lose a hundred battles.

If you lie about your own strengths and weaknesses and don’t clearly understand your enemies strengths and weaknesses, you are fucked

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China isn’t stupid and until they are ready they won’t do anything that will get them the chance to get punched in the mouth. They know they can’t take America head on.

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Sun Tzu also said “So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”

One of the biggest reasons Japan lost WW2 is the same reason that China will lose WW3. It’s such an obvious, glaring weakness – one that the US is insulated from – yet in all the war simulations here on Forumosa, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it mentioned.

And no, it has nothing to do with the fact that the US could turn China into a parking lot 10x over if it really wanted to using nuclear weapons. This is a conventional weakness that guarantees China cannot win a major conflict with the US.

Yes the one war China cannot win is a hot war, at least in the foreseen future. I think it’s unlikely anyway

But listen to this podcast about the war for standards for emerging technologies

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You might want to Google Cathay Newman :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh good lord…

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You are doing an abysmal of making any type of coherent argument

You quoted Mike Tyson saying “everyone had a plan until he gets punched in the mouth”.

I think it is obvious that China’s strategy is not get in the ring in the first place.

Because war isn’t how China is going to win this.

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I know, I know. Sun Tzu, right? “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

Back in the real world, this notion that the Chinese are going to take over the world without a shot being fired is on the same level of idiocy as the notion that Donald J. Trump was a 4D chess player.

China isn’t spending huge amounts of money building its military capabilities for nothing. It’s preparing for war. Obviously, it would probably prefer to fight at a time that’s ideal, but it might or might not have that choice.

Make no mistake: a major war is almost certainly coming. Powerful global trends all point to it, and the need to periodically destroy and kill is in our DNA.

History makes it clear: the world usually sleep walks into major conflicts. This time will be no different.

Yes basically this, CCP doesn’t want a hot war with US. The party really only cares about its own stability and wealth, and is extremely risk adverse. It’s cut off any chance of civilian uprest or ethnic uprising and the biggest threat to it’s stability would be a hot war, which is why they avoid it.

They are more focused on war of standards, information and replacing US led institutions with their own. Also using the BRI to strengthen global influence and dominance

Just because they’re building up their military doesn’t mean they’re itching for a hot war. But what keeps CCP in power is that the people tolerate them. Their job is to maintain that. A hot war would threaten that.

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The CCP doesn’t want a hot war with the US now. But it knows one is very likely, if not inevitable, in the future. And possibly sooner than most believe.

For someone who claims to be so knowledgeable about the CCP, it’s amusing how naive and superficial your understanding of it is.

The whole “the CPP is risk averse and only cares about is survival” is a simpleton analysis that does not even begin to approximate what the CCP is in any meaningful way.