Coronavirus Crisis Open Thread - April

Viruses are egalitarian. Bad people give them to good people and vice versa. Anthropologists study rare tribes and in doing so wipe them out. Missionaries kill their congregations.

COVID-19 is no different. It kills people of color more than white people, but it’s not racist. It kills many more men than women, but you won’t hear so much about that. It kills poor people much more than wealthy people, but again you don’t hear much about that unless there is an element of intersectionality.

Viruses are fair.

It was all really a plot by the Lizard People. Or Bill Gates wanting to put microprocessors in us through vaccines.

Uh, I’ve actually heard a great deal about that.


Tyson, mamma said knock yourself out!

More than 232,000 could have been infected in first wave,
compared with then-official total of 55,000

Badly worded subhead- that’s the Chinese ambassador to the U.S. that’s calling for the ‘rethink’.

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That’s a good thing, isn’t it? I’m a bit ashamed that I didn’t pick up on all the coverage.

I’m genuinely surprised some still think it’s a natural outbreak or at worst just accidentally leaked from a lab.

Natural or Accidental Leak are definitely reasonable and realistic explanations — but ONLY IF we completely ignore the context, timing, and events over the last decade and especially over the last year leading up to the crisis. we would also have to ignore the behavior of China during and after they got the virus under control and understand why certain decisions are being made.

At the moment, taking everything into account, the virus seems to be an obvious attack — a natural escalation in the Trade War.

Interested in a poll to see how others feel. Wish there was a way to track it over time to see How -or-If we change our opinions over time.

Don’t think so, simply because too risky, too difficult to control. Why would they start it in their own home? Why not starting it in a wet market in any other country?

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How Bizarre That Stupid Conspiracy Theories Are Still Being Debated. Ignore The Youtube Professionals.


Thank you. 5 likes.

You Forgot to use Unnecessary Capitalization.


It will take a few more posts for the penny to drop with @anon58655674.

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Hey, I have my many faults but unnecessary caps is not one of them.

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I made a poll to see what people think

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YT will censor content not approved by the WHO regarding the virus. Tedros, covered up cholera outbreaks. The WHO has recommended “traditional Chinese medicine” (does that include rhino horn and bear bile etc.?). WHO had Mugabe as a “goodwill ambassador”.

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Risky yes. Difficult to control, only if not prepared for it - they were conveniently over-prepared for it though. It doesn’t matter whether the Virus numbers are accurate or real or fake. What matters is China’s factory and supply chain operations are running again and everywhere else (for the most part) is either closed or running below 50% capacity.

Why start in their own country? I think their whole point was to start it in their own country because the CCP wanted a way to quickly shut down factories and supply chains across the whole country to send shockwaves through the global economy in retaliation for the Trade War. Then as the virus spread to other countries, China recovered and got back to work while others struggled giving China a leading role in the world economy.

I think things will be more clear if you look at it through the Trade War lens in light of recent events and statements by Xi leading up to the crisis and the behavior of China during and after the outbreak.

Civil unrest in the Paris migrant ghettos - 4 days already. Haven’t seen any of this in the MSM.

Dunno what you’ve been reading, but if it had malaria down as a virus you should probably have read something else.

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I think it doesn’t matter.

Doesn’t seem to an option though.

If I had to choose I’d go for natural origin due to chance exposure.

Doesn’t seem to be an option either, though I suppose wildlife trading is closest.

You might be onto something there.

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