Coronavirus crisis open thread - March

Guys…it’s not actually Barr

Says here they are actively investigating his Taiwan itinerary through communication channels to development the contact list.

Probably coordinating with Australian authorities and anyone else connected to the situation.


Schools are now closed in Italy where I am. Looks like my gym is also going to be closed from next week.

I’ve been avoiding the gym in Taiwan but I need to do something besides ride bike.

I’m trying to get into some home bodyweight workouts but it’s hard to get motivated with too many distractions in the house.

Thinking to do like a one month push-up challenge with myself, work abs of course, and whatever else.

Might be time to get a pull-up bar.

… still fishing @Brianjones - I think he is a little bit more qualified than you in this respect. :mask:

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He didn’t live through SARS. :grin:
Seriously these guys are only saying don’t wear masks for they ain’t got no masks. Next they’ll be telling us don’t poo cos we ain’t got no toilet roll.




I’m not exclusively avoiding the gym, I’m avoiding places with people when possible.

People sweat and breathe heavier in the gym, and towels may be shared, air conditioning may be on, lots of machines are handled by people in succession, just seems to be a good place to catch it overall. My gym membership lapsed in January and I originally planned to immediately renew it, but now I’m going to hold off until this thing is over (if it’s ever over…)


No but I plan on eventually getting there by avoiding the gym for awhile.

Edit: And crowded public spaces.


I feel like I’ve had 2 identifiable close brushes with the virus.

  1. Overlapping with the recent Indonesian same time and location at Taipei main train station.

  2. Met a guy on his way to Australia last week and now they just found someone in Australia that was here last week.

Thinking maybe it’s time to stay home more and do something like practice the piano like mom always wanted me to.


Im not sure what I’ll do. I hate body weight workouts. I just go into a good flow at the gym ugh.


US military fighting back with their own virus pandemic. Take that PLA!


I haven’t gone to lengths that drastic, but I agree that the gym is definitely a place where sweating, grubby hands, face wiping, and people who don’t clean up after themselves can happen.

What I did in the first week of February was, I dropped a Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday routine for an every-third-day, heavy weight/low rep routine.

So instead of going to the gym 12 times every 21 days, I have cut it to 7 times every 21 days. I figure that just by moving my focus I’ve reduced my risk of gym exposure by 42%. No negative impact to my fitness, just a different focus. I can live with that.

Anyway, good luck no matter what y’all choose. Taking a month-long (or even two) break from the gym is not a terrible idea if you’re a gym rat like me.


Actually, Marines. Been there done that.

You know what this means, right?


Interesting. Read the news, then wipe your ass with it! Can’t beat Aussie ingenuity.


The Wall Street Journal