Coronavirus Crisis Open Thread May-September

Are you talking about Australia ?


This epidemic will be done with the year and it will be done because medical scientists stepped up to the plate.

As always what’s the alternative ? Business and life go on as normal? The virus spreads exponentially. Do you understand what means, basic maths ?

Whatever way you cut it you get the same result , massive economic and social disruption.

Stick yer fingers in your ears and say la la.
The UK and US tried that and failed miserably.

Taiwan where we live got it right (maybe you don’t …) that’s what other countries should have done, they didn’t, they fuckked up. They thought they could waffle and bluster through it.

So stop with the waffling truther shite .

Australia -dystopian nightmare daaawn under lol.
I’ll tell you why they have had another lockdown in Victoria… because they messed up ! They should have had the epidemic under control ages ago but they couldn’t manage the quarantine system properly. Rest of Australia is doing just fine and until Victoria gets it shit together they cant go to the other states…That is being driven by other Aussies…They don’t want Victorian residents coming in and bringing the virus…That’s regular Aussie citizens wishes not just the government !!