Coronavirus Crisis Open Thread May-September

Wait, where is Andrew?


Well, they were talking about Manchester, not London.

The numbers in the UK cannot be trusted especially in the week there is a vote to extend the government’s dystopian insanity for another 6 months.

What’s your source?


I turned off the MSM in April. There is an agenda.
The UK government pays the media to report on C19 they way they want. The deal with the media was done in April.
Anyway, here is one which you can use to say the numbers cannot be trusted:

A good channel is this:

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Vaccine developments - the latest.


So Google has a webpage that keeps track of changes in mobility within different countries through out the world over the course of the pandemic.

I learned of this from Johnny Harris’ New York Times video.

This is the chart Johnny Harris pulled out

It’s from April 27 2020.

People in Taiwan didn’t have to stop their normal activities and we still were able to keep the pandemic down to a minimum in a democratic and humane fashion.

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Same mobility trend data from google as mention above. Let’s look at Taiwan v.s. Sweden

Despite claiming that there is no shutdown, travel to workplaces and many other destinations decreased by up to 50% in Sweden. However, nationwide mobility didn’t drop by much because… parks experienced 250% of pre-pandemic volume of visitors.

This is what I call not a lot changed pre and after the pandemic. Between June 25 to June 30, only 80% of the people went to work as usual, and they all went out to parks. That was the Dragon Boat festival.


Well we were (still are) encouraged/asked to do social distancing (including working from home and avoiding crowded indoor places) since we did not close our borders or put people in quarantine. It would have been insane to go on like normal.

It just proves though that Swedish people did some drastic changes and it is not ‘life as normal’ as often misrepresented when they say there was lockdown. The main difference is that it seems to have been voluntary and promoted by local governments.


Yes, very true. We hope this will be the new normal though. :joy: It has accelerated digital workplaces and I think there are a lot of us who do not miss the morning and afternoon rush hour traffic.


17 posts were split to a new topic: Coronavirus Open Thread October

Indeed. There was no lockdown in Sweden. Apart from some industrial small town somewhere.

A post was split to a new topic: From coronavirus

Sorry, must’ve missed the notifications. He did bulk up, then got the coronavirus, which must’ve set him back a bit. Cardio he’s probably doing as part of endurance training (long filming hours, repetitive takes, etc). But also, bear in mind that clothes can be very deceiving.

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