Coronavirus Mental Health/Support Thread

I’ve only read about 1 teenager who died in China and he had serious medical issues already. I hope that puts your mind at rest a bit. I know, it’s very stressful though. I’m on the verge of despair pretty much 24/7. :disappointed:


Well chit just got real for my city/state. We’re going on the stay-in-place. Job is requiring us to work from home now but doesn’t have it fully fleshed out.

Feeling my anxiety rise like fight or flight. Not good.

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Would it be too much of a stretch to make the thread invite only? IJA

You’ll be okay.
Can still go out to shop, get medicine, exercise, walk.
Maybe start a new hobby.


Yes. You’re right but it’s that moving into level yellow space that bothers me.


Think on the positive side. It is better to stay home then be around people in office, commute etc all the time now


Thanks. I’ll get to positive when my mini anxiety attack reduces. :grinning:

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I just want to say I wish life could go back to normal.



Edit: never mind. Spammer.

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They were a spammer unfortunately.


Oof oops.

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Bummed because I was handling everything pretty well for a while but now I’m slipping back into the worry zone because the situation is so clearly worsening for my friends and family in the United States and there’s absolutely nothing I can do about it. Feels shitty.


Try this.
Go 24-36 hours of zero Internet interaction whether viewing news of it, or even participating on this forum.
You disengaged from social sites before, right?

Yeah, I know. It’s just a lot more difficult now. I will try.

Looking for something besides screens and obsessing about CV, so we’re picking up this guy next week (hopefully)

Screen Shot 2020-03-22 at 16.56.52


To be honest I wouldn’t recommend going offline for 24 hours at this point in time. You may wind up on the MRT, wondering why you’re the only person on the train, or showing up on the news as the single dumb foreigner to violate the lockdown that “everyone” knew about.

But setting a timer to block all social media (including and perhaps primarily forumosa!) from 8am to 6pm or whatever, yeah, that could be a good idea.


I’m sure there’ll be messages, stapled at entrances to all MRT, buildings, etc. if that hapoens.

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No, I think the responsible thing to do is the thing I myself suggested at the beginning of this thread, which is to limit consumption of pandemic news to one hour per day. Just enough to stay informed and be aware.


Oh, there are ALWAYS messages posted on my elevator - not that I can read them! And I assume there are plenty of others in the forum that rely on this place as a source of news, especially about Taiwan.