Coronavirus Open Thread 2021



Interesting read:

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
That is how the media approached Covid. Be afraid of everything, from ice cream to semen. Be afraid of being tall. Be afraid of being bald. Be afraid of going to the shops and accepting home deliveries. And if you’re a man, it’s not just semen you should worry about, but also your testicles, your erectile function and your fertility. Even your toes are in danger.

The fearmongering is relentless. Be afraid of your pets. Be afraid for your pets. Just be afraid.

now i’m afraid of the media! :fearful:

I think the reason I’m not joining in with the chorus of despair is that I never watch the news and haven’t done so for years. I don’t own a TV, don’t really pay attention to Internet news feeds, and generally ignore all the messages that I’m supposed to listen to.

This, of course, irritates everyone else no end, because as the article points out, this sort of thing works. It’s very easy to make millions of people believe whatever you want them to believe.

Why they chose to do this is a complete mystery to me. I cannot fathom how any rational human being can deliberately destroy his country and the sanity of everyone in it.

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I first posted this at the beginning of April last year:
Still rings true.

So true. I remember how it was all over the world news that Indians are dying, dead bodies everywhere and hospitals are stressed out, no oxygen. every other news had india in it. Now that india is doing well and reducing covid cases, no news about India on any news channel. Well fear indeed sells but it also points a very negative image of a certain country all over the world.

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I never noticed the title of this thread had become 'conspiracy theories ’ and general paranoia.


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Little disingenuous to say that India is “doing well”. The virus can’t spread at an exponential rate forever. At some point, it kills everyone it’s going to kill and has infected so many people that continuing to spread becomes more difficult because there are fewer and fewer hosts who have no immunity.

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It must be slow times at the WHO offices.

These Greek letters will not replace existing scientific names. If more than 24 variants are officially identified, the system runs out of Greek letters, and a new naming programme will be announced,

The first one should be called ‘straightouttachineselab’.

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I don’t understand why it’s not Alpha. That feels a bit political.

The WHO really are ridiculous.

EDIT: I get it. Covid-19 retains its name with a Greek letter added per variant. Fair enough. Why have they missed out Gamma?

The worst conspiracies are in plain sight:

Gamma fka Brazil

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I still see a bunch of people smoking publicly during Level 3.

Is that even allowed? Shouldn’t they only be allowed to smoke at home?

I think it’s allowed . Smokers always get a pass here . Notice how they throw their shit everywhere. Disgusting smelly people.


Apparently. You aren’t supposed to take your mask off to drink though.

Darn, we should be afraid of Forumosa!

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Some people have a wife! Anyways, I know this guy, a neighbor, that is sitting all day on his balcony making phone calls and smoking.

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Or neighbors. I took my laundry off the balcony, expecting it to be fresh and fragrant…lo and behold it was stinky of the smoke from the neighbor. How much do you have to smoke to drift a balcony away and still stink?!

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My pet hate , I used to roar at my neighbour for doing this but I could never figure out exactly which apartment, most likely he, was doing it from.