Coronavirus Open Thread 2022

Because they were very specific in what they wanted. It was to develop a new system for them specifically for the reporting of vaccine injuries, because, again, in their words, they did not expect their legacy systems to be able to cope with the volume of reports they expected to receive. Hence, the urgency of their requirement given the importance of the data. They were looking for an AI developer.

It was published online in alternative media and was accessible directly online. I went to the job advertisement directly and screen captured it. Not sure if I still have it. Many saw it, I would imagine other Forumosans here did as well.

ICAN the informed consent network regularly sue them with FOIAs and they comply because they know it will otherwise escalate. I have several recent ones in my email inbox. Here’s a few from the last two weeks. I’m not sure how they show up when I add them as an attachment to this message, because I haven’t uploaded images like this here before.

I’m not here to convince anybody of anything though, I respect everyone has to come to their own views and choices.

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