Coronavirus Open Thread 2022

I was told it was free in Taiwan for over 50s.

I remember doing some fagpacket estimates way back in 2020 on the number of lives that might be saved - COVID cases included - if the government just told people in a straightforward manner how to reverse diet-related diseases, and perhaps instead of blowing up the economy with “furlough” payments they could have just given everyone another few hundred quid a month to buy proper food. It would have paid dividends in healthcare costs and reduced COVID hospitalisation.

I don’t believe the epidemiologists were unaware of this possibility. Many doctors actually wrote about it and were promptly cancelled. In the absence of any other evidence, I’m assuming malice.

How they’re going to memory-hole what they did is going to be a real spectacle. The BBC will have to pull out all the stops for this one.

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As of a few years ago, my experience was not free—and in fact quite pricey.

Adding salt to the figurative wound, it was not tax deductible as a medical receipt, which is frankly nuts as waiting for serious ailments (which are deductible) will no doubt cost the state more money!


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The simple one is free. Blood check, etc.
The whole “shi-bang” (described above) is out of pocket. Liver sonar banging, head x-ray, chest x-ray, 5 or 6 separate blood tests. The night before you’ll drink a concoction and lots of water mixed with Supau or sports drink. By the end of the night or early morning (before test or even at the clinic before things start), you’ll be shitting clear water, no joke. Your whole intestinal walls will be like new, scrubbed clean.
They’ll cut things off large intestinal wall if less than 0.5mm (or some measurement) and take (cut out small small) things from stomach wall if see something out of ordinary. Can either do it without anesthesia or be put under for an additional fee. I did it without anything. The missus paid for anesthesia. She said giving birth twice without it was enough for her lifetime. For the throat, they’ll spray 1-3 times something on your tonsils to numb them and your tongue for when they put the camera snake down your throat.
Can run NT$10,000 to NT$20,000, depending on hospital. Very worth it for peace of mind, imho.
Bonus, for those not taking anesthesia, is that you can watch on the LED screen the camera snake around your new “clean” large intestinal walls.
They have a sucking machine attached to it, so don’t worry, you won’t accidentally shit diarrhea during the procedure.


Do they do a liver biopsy?

Hm, I think I might interested in doing this.

What they do for the liver is rub some gel on stomach near and have this sonar-like gun that sends pulses into the liver to check fiber reflex/reaction, at least that’s what I got from the technician who was doing in (when conversed in Chinese). They take all kinds of pics (like ultrasound) to check that and other things like kidneys. Felt like a pregnant mom with all the gel on stomach and pic-taking inside.
Did not take “pieces” of liver for biopsy. I think the sonar banging (it’s like a soft punch) is what they use to check quality of liver, I’m only guessing.

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They’ll just go silent. Neither report on it or open it up to discussion.

Very odd. Their silence will be noted.

Right back to the same old habits.

I dunno, I think they’ll have to make a concerted effort to rewrite history simply because so many people are starting to smell a rat. It won’t be sufficient to just ignore it all and hope it goes away; you have to create a deluge of propaganda to make it go away because, if you don’t, the truth will bubble to the surface.

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The “Things would have been so much worse otherwise!” might buy them enough time before people can evaluate what data is available. It will be years before that’s going to happen and then it’s history.

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Key takeaways -

  1. UK Non-Covid Excess Deaths are significantly above the 5 year average for what looks like the last 3 months, week-on-week

  2. UK Government official confirmation of 10 Covid deaths due to the vaccines, as at January 2022

  3. Latest UK Government (Yellow Card) Adverse Reporting System for adverse drug reactions has 2,109 suspected reported deaths from the vaccines. My guess is these are reported by family members…or doctors?

  4. UK Government’s own words that they estimate only 10% of serious adverse reactions to drugs/vaccines are reported in their Adverse Reporting System


For those inquiring about Japanese tourism, found this video very informative:

Need some book fees to pay for lawyer fees.

I wonder if this dog torturer is going to be a fall guy?

I doubt it. He’ll probably walk into some cushy one-day-a-month directorship or consulting job and then die before the shit really hits the fan.

Chen Clock seems to have made a similar judicious move; if anyone blames him for anything he can just shrug and say, oh, that was a long time ago, and I’m not connected with the CDC anymore.

There will have to be some fall guys, I suppose. But they’ll probably be mid-level managers who lack the right guanxi.

Anthony Fauci will just kick back and enjoy his remaining life span. He will probably become Heaven’s new Director of the NIH. What you think there’s no bureaucracy in Heaven? You are delusional.

Well Taiwan would then join Canada and other “advanced” countries in having no idea what was showing up in their country. It seems some of you think that would be progress. Having watched places like Canada, I have my doubts.


So can you be more specific what was so horrible in Canada? I visited 7 countries (USA, Europe and Singapore) and they are all living and working just fine.


I’m thrilled that Canada moved beyond that covid silliness.