Coronavirus - Taiwan 2021

Just press this button and follow directions.


Yeah all the time


Well, just when you’re out of the house, perhaps?

Here is the Android version




If you come in contact, you will get a red screen. Call the government 1922. I suppose best to go straight home and quarantine as well


Would you mind summarizing what the app does? The tech part won’t be necessary

Just tells you if you have came into contact with anyone known to have covid. That’s it


Lets’ see how much this covid app draws on my battery.

High school student

Probably not the biggest consideration right now right? Just carry a portable charger

not much. I used it all day yesterday, not much of a drain.

Not as much as covid will draw… on your life battery!

Shit, I was really reaching with that one. :man_facepalming:


my work has made plans for a rolling working from home, with it looking likely it’s gonna come into play soon. All looking pretty grim.

Hopefully as restrictions tighten, the government don’t do something hairbrained—like make grocery stores stop being 24/7 to battle covid, thereby making sure everyone goes during the day instead of middle of the night (my plan if I get locked down) when no mush is around and it’s safer. Or limit the bus route, thereby making sure the few buses are packed to the rafters …

This app is 4 years old, why is it not in English :triumph:

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How can a coronavirus tracker be 4 years old?


I mean I imagine they will update. It’s not a complicated App, and they probably overlooked it. Let’s just be patient for now and trust the government to get through this. We have a year of global best practices to draw from, compliant populace and government who have been capable up to now.

If your app goes red, call the government.

Taiwan did a great job but really f…ed up when it came to the last step vaccines. I get my first shot next week. Of course hoping I do not get “it” before that. They are so slow on vaccines :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


does the app beep when there’s a detected case nearby–like people meant to be self-quarantining but have jumped ship–or does it do it when it’s found out someone with covid has been the same place I have?

Like, say I went to Family Mart at 7 pm last night, and later they found someone who tests positive also went there at that time. The device will then beep and turn red to say I’ve had past contact?

Yeah, you will get a notification