Coronavirus - Taiwan 2021

This outbreak originated in Taoyuan’s Novotel, however we are not seeing an uncontrollable spread in Taoyuan. There are just 226 total confirmed cases in Taoyuan and that’s from last year till now.

What really got out of control was the spread in Taipei and New Taipei.


My works WFH is two week in office, two at home. Announced fully today.

Honestly, if it was just WFH full time, I’d likely go to England and do it from there. I could easily do all my work from home.

The two weeks in office seems redundant. If they announced its everyone WFH for x amount of time, home I go.

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OK I’m sorry for being so blunt.

There are some harsh realities about the DPP and politics in Taiwan in general. The big two parties work for the bosses, not the people. They are just gambling that not too many people will die and the economy can still kinda keep going until vaccines are ready.

What really annoys me is that Taiwanese are being asked to make sacrifices in their own lives at weekends(when the city is empty) and the government doesnt push the private sector to do the same.


The Taiwan economy is export focused. Domestic consumption isnt as important as elsewhere. This will be their rationale btw

Its baffling why the bosses dont realise theyd save more in the long run by having everyone WFH and getting up and running sooner. Plus, they’d save a tonne on electricity. And avoid people falling ill and not working.

But nope, they dig their heels in, presumably thinking theyre losing out while staff are at home.

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Yeah, an outbreak in the office and you are fucked


To add: just look at how the DPP was exploited by the ractopamine pork case. The KMT were able to exploit this opportunity and promote Taiwan pork. If you ask the average Taiwanese about which is better, food made from a Taiwanese manufacturer or from an American manufacturer, most wouldn’t hesitate to say American. Food scandals like 頂新 and how they are able to get away with it anger the heck out of people.

Hehe…turn up the AC to full blast.

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Oh, you got me wrong, I think both the parties in Taiwan are shit. I wasnt shilling for the KMT. The DPP are still leagues better because they wont sell the country to China


People arent taking work from home seriously too. Most of my collegues are in office even though we have shifts to WFH. When i asked why they dont work from home, they jokingly said " I would rather stay in office than at home taking care of children". I thought he meant as a joke until i looked around and all married with children never WFH.


I agree. Both ARE shit. One is eager to sell Taiwan out to the communists. Another is eager to declare independence. No one is eager to root for the bedrock, the ROC.

But if you look at the rise of mainland China, the DPP looks like shit.

Well, not so many of the pilots probably live in Taoyuan and the special tea services are probably also better in Greater Taipei

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Thinking towards the future and Taiwan?

Why should that make a difference?

I used to think DPP were much more competent than KMT. Now, I think they both suck, but just different flavors of suck. I think if KMT was in charge when the COVID outbreak first happened last year, maybe we would’ve been hit by the first wave like the other countries, but maybe they also would have been stricter with the lockdown measures.


Because we would think shops and restaurants and domestic services being closed as an equally bad thing. I imagine the government would just view as collateral damage in keeping export and IC running

Lucky you! We have a special thread for you to play in:




And that so many restaurants are people’s kitchens since so many eat out instead of cook.

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I think there is a round of bailouts in the legislator right now, aimed at food stands, taxi drivers, and the like…