Coronavirus - Taiwan 2021

Yeah there’s a lot of that attitude in Taiwan actually.

My colleague mentioned a while back that parents were disappointed because the labour day swap meant they didn’t have a day free from the kids.:no_mouth:


2 containers, it has to be a lot.

They need to require ALL medical workers, pilots, etc. to get it as soon as it comes and the govt needs to get it in people’s arm very quickly.

We can’t beat this without it.

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I know, thats what I mean. The government will see as collateral damage to keep exports going

If it was shipped by PChome that will be one case, strapped to a pallet in the middle of each container

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In my opinion. Democracy, be it KMT or DPP, promotes corporate oligarchy. Corporations will always control the narrative when the country is a democracy, as he who has the most money has the loudest voice. And corporations only care about their shareholders, not the people.

CCP is governmental oligarchy. CCP says they care about the people and all that, but who knows. It’s basically just state power.

I don’t know which one is worse.


I’m talking economically.

Democracy alone does not put food on the table. Take a look at India. One of the world’s largest.

But if you think Taiwan is democratic, think again.

16 posts were merged into an existing topic: Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - May 2021

Dealing with China is like dealing with the Devil: it will NEVER be in Taiwan’s favor. The China vaccine is garbage; it’s not much better than a saline injection. China will demand all sorts of painful concessions, and China will never keep its word. Never trust China.


China is Asshoe


Covid aside, this is a huge problem with society today (not just here, but in most countries). Raising children can be stressful, but that’s an awful and toxic mentality to have and it seems like it’s becoming mainstream.


Nah, people have always been weird about raising children. The problem is that now (last 80-100 years) they’re a liability, not an asset, so people who didn’t want them in the first place regret having them, especially when they impact career and life opportunities


Articulate and well-put. You should consider writing a collection of poetry. You possess a rare talent.


The problem with the Wanhua cluster is that most don’t want to come clean about their whereabouts.

We don’t need 人力 as much anymore

The city’s Sports Office said Wednesday that they had received reports from members of the public on May 21, 24, 25, and 26 about the Augusto Crown Golf Club remaining opening. Sports Office personnel and police arrived at the golf course each of those days and found that it was indeed operating, replete with employees driving golf carts, people hitting balls, and packed parking lots.

Despite being told to shut the golf course down on each occasion, the owner defied the order by continuing to open. Violators of the Communicable Disease Control Act can be penalized a maximum fine of NT$300,000 for each offense, and the four offenses are worth a total of NT$1.2 million, according to the Sports Office.

New Taipei Mayor Hou You-yi (侯友宜) said the owner of the golf course should be slapped with the maximum fine, as they had displayed disrespect to the authorities and contempt for the government order.

The golf course was still open as of Wednesday but did not respond to requests for comment on the mayor’s position and statement, the report said.

Sounds like the fine is less than their revenue for one day :man_shrugging:

Probably. As others keep saying, jail time is the only thing that’s going to stop these people

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Golf courses are wide and ooooooooppen. People are sure spread apart and don’t want to get hit by a random flying golf ball.

In all seriousness, I’m not sure how shutting down a golf course is that good. If you prevent people from getting fresh air, how will that affect their health, mental well-being?

Maybe it’s time to shutdown parks as well.


Yeah but where do people gather when they finish their round of golf? It’s not like you go from your car to the course and then back to your car to go home. You pay a bajillion dollars to smooze at the bar and restaurants indoors, not to exercise outdoors


Bars can be closed and everything else. But when you start to loose the forest for the trees, that’s when it can become a problem.

How about shutting down morning wet markets?

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And when they meet up on the tee having a nice chat before they play their first shot? Or on the green? Or the obligatory drinks and back-slapping in the clubhouse after the round?
Have you ever played golf?