Coronavirus - Taiwan 2021

… and furthermore a 2 month Level 3 is not really a 2 month Level 3, but probably a 4-6 month Level 3 which makes it even worse

It’s a common laowai observation that Taiwanese people are pretty good at dealing with routine stuff, but astoundingly bad at thinking outside the box.

Do you really think it’s likely that Taiwan is going to come up with “something” to get the numbers down, while everyone else on the planet failed to do so - or at least failed to do so without paying a terrible cost in ruined lives?

Could we not at least consider the possibility that nothing can be done about infection in general terms, but we probably can do an awful lot to prevent people dying?


Pretty cool covid cases map of Taiwan


Same. Full on 100 minute wait though they did have a decent number of windows open. I was surprised that it was business as usual.

A woman wearing gloves and a full face shield sat down in the chair at the counter before I could pull my notebook off the desk.- social distancing isn’t a thing.


Gov’t offices are open as usual during Level 3.

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I split posts to a thread for discussion focused on this issue


Time for panic buyers to come out of their homes.


Man why do they have to do this. There’s already people coming down here to evade level 4 up there, this will just scare more down here. :wall:

Important information for ARC holders:

Got a one month extension


How many of them will want to renew?

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The mayor told reporters he never expected the pandemic to develop to a point where Taiwan confirmed 200 to 300 new COVID cases per day.




Maybe he shouldn’t be complaining about the US not sending as many vaccines as he had anticipated. It looks like convenience is taken for granted.


I guess it was good while it lasted

Just using the USA stats to indicate what may happen in Taiwan

USA population some 330 million
In the time since COVID was discovered about 33 million were infected that’s about ten pct

And over 500k died

That’s around zero point one five pct

Taiwan has some 23 million people and if ten pct were confirmed infected that would be two point three million

And if zero point one five pct were to die that would be about 35000 people

Not an insignificant amount

The problem is spacing out the infections enough so that the hospitals are not jammed

The USA shut down all indoor venues except grocery stores and a few big box stores like Walmart and target

Everyone who was not front line lost their jobs and were ordered to say home and avoid friends and family

So it was pretty draconian

Even walking outside for exercise people often cross the street so as to avoid one another
Our cities became ghost towns and many hospital emergency wards were swamped

Daily deaths exceeded 1000 around the country at some points

Things only got better with mass vaccinations
And now fifty pct of the US population have gotten at least one jab

Taiwan being so densely populated could experience a huge surge of patients and could them expect emergency room chaos

This is a potential major emergency

But everyone should do their best to avoid others snd wear masks and get the vaccine when able

And don’t panic the kill ratio is only zero point one five pct about which is ten times higher than the flu

But most everyone will not even get infected or will even know they were infected

Don’t panic

Be sensible and be calm and it’s going to work out

Restaurants should go to take out mode only and many will close

The govt will have to pay people to stay home

There was a saying here that in grandpas days the govt called you to war and to possibly die for your country. Now you are only called to stay on your couch


FYI still does…

Looking at these map is interesting.


Things are definitely on the upswing though

The country is coming back to life
Airports are jammed
Movie houses and gyms open to reduced capacity
Many places are allowing those vaccinated to go without masks indoors

Indoor dining allowed to fifty pct Starbucks and McDonald
Starting to allow indoor seating in some areas

We are seeing the light at the end of this long tunnel


That means going to a hospital for a medical. Hard pass.

Yes stay away from hospitals unless necessary

Our docs still don’t want to see you if they can face time you

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I don’t say it is a bad thing, but it’s not really backed by numbers: 3 to 4 times more cases per day compared to Taiwan. But USA is big, would need to look at states one by one to compare to a small country the size of Taiwan.