Coronavirus - Taiwan 2021

Niiice. I think a gift of cash is a great thing. Might the lads whine if the money is not fresh and crispy - would that be poor form?

Yes, but the good news about the last two outbreaks, the New Zealand pilot and now the hospital cluster, is that they both led to a further strengthening of the defenses which is kind of the silver lining of these cases.


Either we get lucky every single time or it isn’t luck at all. It’s weird how often the L word is used to discuss Taiwan’s COVID experience on these boards. I mean it could just be luck of course but I’m kind of thinking Tina Turner said it best “what’s luck got to do with it?”

Every single incident the narrative here follows the same path:
Oh, we might be fucked.
Yes we’re really fucked.
Taiwan’s really fucked up this time.
God, how can they be so useless…it so obvious they should have done this and they shouldn’t have done that. What total amateurs, it’s not rocket science.
Oh, wait, we might just be OK.
Yes it looks like we’re OK.
Well we dodged a bull there guys.
Let’s face it we got lucky. :sunglasses:


You forgot to add the worthless and reckless recommendation that we follow the Vietnamese and/or Chinese “gold standard” of management.

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There were multiple people who were infected and potentially contagious who went and spent time in numerous public places, including someone who worked at a fast food restaurant serving customers and making meals for two days. Another person, whose infection source still hasn’t been identified, spread it to someone else at another hospital.

One person died, two more are on respirators, and four others have pneumonia.

The CDC had to retroactively scramble to quarantine and is now testing thousands of people. There was a lot of confusion and insufficient bandwidth to deal with all of the incoming phone calls when that was done.

If you don’t think luck was involved here, :+1:. Taiwan numba 1. If the Taiwan CDC starts a cheerleading program, you can be the base.


Uhhh what the CDC has done, retroactively, is basically the Vietnamese model. Quarantine contacts and contacts of contacts. Test them. Hopefully, the next time they’ll do this from the very start so that we don’t have to worry about ordering rice burgers at Mos.


It’s still crickets in Taoyuan, not necessarily a bad thing.

Just to say the ones with pneumonia are on the mend, as the CECC official said.

For McDonald’s sake, enjoy the friggin MOS burger, that was the least worrying place: very little interaction for few time, drafty location, no seats. Worry about roaches in your ice or mice dropping in the rice, but not COVID in the hamburger! But do wash your hands before meals.

Reminds me of this great video of a guy trying to eat a burger but stopping to bathe his hands in disinfectant each step. Hilarious.

Yes, the next cluster is inevitable. Yes, it could be worse. All we can do is try our best to hold it back. Don’t make it easy for the virus to get us.

As to regulating the hospital workers, they are already under a lot of pressure. 20 cleaners in Taoyuan General hospital have quit. Most medical staff are afraid to go home and stay in the dorms provided. They fear infecting their families. There is a lot of stress there.


International media really liked this story.


It’s “what’s love got to do with it.” Please don’t mess up the lyrics of this legend again. I’m very offended.


Wait, what, all these years I’ve been hearing it wrong?

Next you’ll be telling me that that Beatles anthem “All You Need is Luck” is really “All You Knead is Dough”.


There really needs to be a thread “change ‘love’ to ‘luck’ (or vice versa) in the lyrics of a song.” Now I can’t stop thinking of the possibilities. Thanks.

Stop in the name of luck, before you break my heart.

Love be a lady tonight.


Sounds like a prayer made before hitting the bars in Pattaya.

Good god, could I be more off-topic, or juvenile?!


Help me understand.

Those that enter Taiwan infected with Covid are isolated until they recover. Recover being no more symptoms. We know Covid can s be infectious in carriers who are asymptomatic.

  1. Are those who are infected and recover tested for antibodies before being released?

  2. Is it possible a recovered patient could still be infectious…even to themselves?

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It’s possible to believe the gov’t is doing a good job, staying ahead of things and that Taiwan has gotten lucky. I’ve been to a pair of events in the past week that have had very, very tight and organized covid controls…that a good number of people didn’t follow. I also stepped off of an elevator a few moments ago that had signs to wear masks and remain silent…the latter part which was nearly entirely ignored.

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No. It’s an empirically proven fact they’re doing a bang up job. Numbers don’t lie.

Luckily it we still get the 1 million.

I signed up :grin:

They called me up today. They only accept Taiwanese Nationals for trials.

At least it looks like the trials are going forward.


Imagine a foreign ‘guest’ getting harmed by a subpar vaccine!

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