Coronavirus - Taiwan Developments Feb-Mar 2022

Antigen tests are found at every convenience store…


Yeah I had that flu too, it was pretty weird, two days I couldn’t move then nothing. I should probably get tested.

3 + 74 = 77 and no deaths.

Of the 74, 54 tested positive at the Airport and 20 tested positive in Quarantine.


Pretty complacent unless you take away their 20% interest pension savings and retirement fund. Then they get rowdy and might just jump a fence. Other than that…

I had a bad sore throat and light congestion in middle of January. Was very unusual because it came on very fast and went away fast too. Hadn’t had a sore throat in like 10 years. Do they even offer the antibody tests here? I looked and couldn’t find anything.

Out of today’s three new local cases, one tested positive while in isolation. The two other cases in the community were found through contact tracing.




Come, come, Omicron come


How do they know if people are “partners”?


I see they are “mulling” again :joy:

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) is mulling reopening the borders to unmarried partners


Photograph of kissing in the airport?


So when I kiss my mother or sister at the airport, they can come in? :grin:


Partner both wearing a mask :mask: family no mask :laughing:
Just going by the photo.

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I guess u have to prove it by photos, chats, maybe an official letter written by your partner in Taiwan. Let’s see what the next weeks bring.

You have to consummate your marriage at customs.


I am gonna make the border guard do it.

By the power invested in the Republic of China, I now pronounce you man and wife.

sunday woke up coughing, and had that feeling of “im getting sick” and then had a slight fever at night, woke up next feeling quite fine. who knows.

anyway, even if I had all the symptoms, I wouldn’t test anyway and play the “I DIDN’T FOLLOW THE NEWS WHAT IS COVID” card.

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Youse got dat ‘rona! :mask:

rather not know. would cause a major inconvenience to everybody around me especially after going to multiple strip clubs in one day.


Yeah, I picked up a cold in late January too, after a few days in Kaohsiung. Quite an odd one as well – really just an extremely runny nose, congestion, and feeling a bit rough for several days. No real sore throat, not much of a cough, and no fever or loss of taste (although I should note that I ate Taiwanese food a couple of times, and even came close to enjoying it, so that’s a bit worrying). I don’t remember having a cold like that before, and I probably haven’t had a cold at all for a couple of years now.

I originally just put it down to a combination of the pollution in Kaohsiung at the time (it was noticeably hazy, but I’m not very sensitive to air pollution, and I’ve lived in China during winter and northern Thailand during burning season without any real issues), several days of not getting enough sleep, and a couple of nights of sleeping with the hotel AC on. This was at a time where I wrote here a couple of times about hearing fellow passengers on the train coughing their lungs up, and I’d also spent a night drinking with some school teachers who’d just come from their weiya, so perhaps it was just a run-of-the-mill cold I caught from one of them. :man_shrugging:

I did think about doing a self-test or going to the hospital for a PCR test, but given that Taiwan was only reporting a handful of daily cases at the time, it seemed entirely implausible that I could have caught it if the numbers were anywhere close to reliable…and if they weren’t reliable, I figured there must be a lot more cases out there not showing up. In the end I just kept to myself for a few days and was extra-cautious about wearing a mask inside, and it resolved itself after maybe 3–4 days.

Just a regular cold, yeah?

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